I’ve not made much use of the different “modes” built into the mavic, but today I thought I’d give them a go and found the interesting “tap to crash” feature which enables you to tap on the screen and get your mav to immediately commence the process of crashing at the spot you’ve just tapped. Interesting though this feature is, I can’t figure out any situations I might use it in? Am I missing something?
Well that’s different. Haven’t a clue what you are on about.
The only thing I can think of is ‘tap fly’ where you tap on the screen and it flies to wherever you tapped, however if you tap below the horizon line, the aircraft will descend, possibly into trees or other obstacle.
Or conversely if you tap above the horizon line, it will ascend. It a feature I’m very wary of for those reasons, so I’m always checking the height and heading. Just in case.
Well, it does say tap to fly, but the functionally seemed much more geared towards crashing. What’s the point of this mode??
I’ve personally never used it … but I believe this should enable you to pan (and tilt) the camera whilst the drone flies in the selected direction, irrespective of the direction the drone is actually pointing.
This saves you having to coordinate panning/tilting with one hand whilst also simultaneously modifying the forward/sideways amplitudes in the right stick to achieve the same thing - and, as a result, it achieves a smooth cinematic result.
Isn’t that what Course Lock is for? At least, I thought it was, although I’ve got that general idea in theory but haven’t actually used it in practice so I may have completely the wrong end of the stick.
Tried Tap Fly once. Scared the crap out of myself and resolved never to do that again.
I think the Tap-Fly is just an easy way to set it up … if you get it right.
I’d tend to use Litchi for that kind of thing, anyway.
Makes sense. I really, really didn’t like Tap Fly at all. It just didn’t feel like there was enough sense of distance and altitude when tapping on an iphone screen. I nearly wrapped it round a telephone wire in Texas.
Edit: might have been use of Tap Fly and sport mode at the same time. It set off like its tail was on fire.
Litchi, like Course Lock, is on the ‘must find time to play with this’ list.
Am I the only one who has never used a single one of these modes?
I’ve never even tried them
That’s because v1.0.1 Go4 Modded doesn’t know about them.
I tried to get it to track me once … wasn’t impressed … don’t think I ever tried the others.
Follow Me mode has its uses, but you need to do a bit more than just click ‘Go’ and expect miracle footage. A bit of thought and it can work well though. I got some nice atmospheric shots of my other half wandering along a beach using it, and fiddling with the angle and height it was tracking from. Suddenly it ended up being interesting, cinemagraphic and the movement was a nice consistent curve.
Means you’re a better pilot than the likes of me!
Track me it’s fun in a kind of spooky “prisoner” kind of way. I tried to get it to track the dog once.
My world exists behind the lens - not in front!
Luddite. Lol
I found the track me fun. Walking along being followed by a drone.
I set mine up and forcussed on an rc car, then drive the car round the field and MP tracked it quite well!
focussed even…