Is there any way to edit or delete an entry.
I couldn’t see any way to correct an entry.
Message one of the committee we can sort that for you or @Committee
Is there a chance of having the ability of putting in a longer title for entries?
What are you thinking (or wanting to do add) ?
You could always cross reference the “what3words” on Grid Reference Finder app, gives you 2what3words", 10 figure grid reference, 6 figure reference, log/lat (deg/mins/secs), long/lat (decimal), easting/northings, nearest postcode, nearest address, you should be able to find where you are with that lot!
Nothing with a really long name just a couple of times I have ran out of characters on DS but I have then edited the topic title here.
Not a massive issue just wondered if there was a reason for the character limit on the DS title?
Luckily w3w takes lat/long and will also output a lat/long too.
Also love that rowmaps takes postcode, lat/long and w3w which makes planning much easier too.
Ran out of space myself - so Church appears as just Ch
I think it’s capped to 30 characters.
This is mainly because we then add a bunch of other text on the end.
St Aldhelm & St Eadburgha’s Ch
St Aldhelm & St Eadburgha’s Ch - Added to Places of Worship in South West
Could probably safely raise the limit to 50 characters.
I’ll add this in to the next update.
Having scrolled through large chunks of this thread, I am even more impressed by dronescene knowing that the devs are super active.
I am a developer of over 30 years’ experience (and over 40 if you include my first ever program at 7), with a specialism in geospatial data wrangling. If you need any help with backend stuff, I’m more than happy to help, even if it’s just bug hunting.
LinkedIn: Sign Up | LinkedIn
Thanks for the offer John, grateful
Filed a quick flight plan from work and got an email from Altitude angel about the flight being outside of the airspace currently served by Guardian.
Not sure if it was just a glitch or something more sinister. Flight was at BA2 9AP
Also just noted it listed as commercial but I filed it as recreational. I will leave it live.
This is actually a bug on the Altitude Angel side of things:
They’ve still not fixed it yet
I was wondering about that. Bizarre. And potentially with legal implications, I’d have thought?
Sorry missed that. Just thought you should know, but yet again I’m late to the party!
A post was split to a new topic: An introduction to Drone Scene
A new version of Drone Scene has been released
What’s new since August?
Not much I’m afraid - consider this more of an interim release
New Features
- None
- Nada
- Zilch
- Nowt
- Zero
- Literally, nothing
– (sorry)
UI / UX Changes:
Increased the
name/title character limit
– It was originally capped to 30 characters
– You can now add Locations with titles of up to 100 characters in length
– Requested by, well, just about everyone really -
Prevent people adding a
URL from Kuula
– Kuula Collections are great, but we only need one image for Drone Scene thanks
– You can now only enter a/share/
URL in the Kuula link box
Bug Fixes
Vimeo thumbnails recently stopped working
– The folks at Vimeo changed the format of their video thumbnail images and didn’t tell us
– Rude -
Member Locations that had
in the uploaded photograph filename did not embed over here in the forum properly
– Sorry @Acedrone this happened to a few of yours! -
Some areas in East of England were not being automatically geocoded correctly when adding a new Location
Other Random Stuff
Minor content changes
Embedded the Introduction to Drone Scene video in to the
– It’s ideal for people that are new to DS -
Added an SSL Certificate to
– Even though DS doesn’t use thewww
domain name, I added some shiny SSL to the redirection anyway
– Requested by @firstadekit
As ever, please continue to enjoy Drone Scene and please keep those feature requests coming!
Congrats @Todddji on being the first to take advantage of the new title character length
I’ll just drop this in the suggestion box
Is it worthwhile having the contact details of each airfield on the map - in a similar manner to the local authority lookup?
I realise it would be a lot of hard work for someone - probably me to get the information though something like Pooleys Flight Guide would be a great help.
You decide on a flight round that nice looking monument you saw when driving past last week. Check on Drone Scene and it is inside an FRZ. Then you have to find the airport contact details, not always immediately evident on their website.
It could make things a lot easier if that info was available from the map. If that is overkill then would a list of all airfield contacts be a good addition to the forum.
Obviously those who have already flown in FRZ’s could be canvassed for the details they hold to make the job a little easier - a thread for submissions and corrections would be good.