The Great Big GADC 6th Birthday and Treasure Hunt Challenge!

If anyone is trying to work out the conditions in advance and use Android - grab a copy of DroneWeather

This is a free app designed to replace the now charged for similar app.

Should help with your planning.


We are nearing the evening of the first day of the competition. The shift change occurred a few minutes ago, the outgoing staff excitedly informing the night shift of the momentous events of the day.

first day

The first influx of the new scorers undergoing induction at 0730 this morning

Click the Pic™ to see the lastest LEADERBOARD News!

Me, after teeing up my annual “But you can’t find that anywhere in Scotland” gripe and then finding nothing to grip about.

^^^ same picture is of me, who will be overseas for most of this year’s challenge. Good luck to the rest of you!

If there’s one thing that these questions confirm to me, is that the duck billed platypus was indeed designed by a committee. :grin: :grin:

Good luck to the entrants this year … :slight_smile:

I have printed the list to have a good look at it and see what I can achieve, that is if the weather brightens up. Good luck everyone and have fun :laughing: Now where is my nearest castle…

Would have been 3 years on the trot of 4ths if I was going for it, alas, just don’t see it happening this year! :frowning:

Ade, we enjoy having you in the competition. Even if this year you can’t commit fully to the challenge because of everything else intruding on your life we will be pleased to see any pictures you can find time for. Don’t be a stranger ! :sunglasses:


A committee should always consist off an odd number of people.

And three is too many.

16. A Hillfort - as shown on the definitive Oxford University Hillforts Map

  • Bonus point for Pre 800 BC.
  • Bonus point for Wikipedia entry.

Brent Knoll Camp - Mavic 3 Pro - 25/07/2023

Brent Knoll Camp became a hillfort around 2,000 BC according to the wikipedia entry. This was when it was an island.

3 points claimed


well done Ian @DroneGeek
You’ve got us off to a fine start :clap:

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Thank you Ian and well done for opening the Challenge. 3 points awarded

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25. A Telephone Box

  • Bonus point if it’s the old-style red box (K2 or K6).
  • Bonus point if it has been repurposed. Supporting evidence can be from any camera.

K2 red phone box, Brent Road, East Brent, Somerset - repurposed as a plant exchange for the village.

Mini 3 Pro - 25/07/2023

3 points claimed

(hopefully photo is high enough to prove drone in flight :slight_smile: )


Thought might as well, hopefully it will encourage some of the new members to take part.

I will not be aiming for any placing this year and will merely post a few images as the weeks go by.

Your phone box is approved. :smiley:

Two text book entries with clear pictures of the subject, name and number of the particular subject claimed, which bonuses claimed, make and model of aircraft etc.

Showing anyone who has yet to wade through the mass/mess of rules how to do it!

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Anything to make your life easier :joy:

Appreciate the comments, despite it being nerve racking to upload just in case you don’t agree :joy:

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Entry 25 A telephone Box

Taken Post Office Lane Ashby Cum Fenby Lincolnshire 1950 24th July 2023 DJI Mini3 pro

Bonus point claimed K6 Type Phone Box

Bonus Point Claimed if it has been repurposed

Used ask Village Book Library

Total 3 Points Claimed


@Challenges_Committee Could you clarify number 23 please? Do you mean 120m vertically above ground?

Ximi, I can see what you’re getting at. You could take off from the top of a cliff, point the camera down, fly forward 30m and literally be 200+m above whatever’s below :wink::wink: