The Great Big Manned/Personal Drone Thread

Looks pretty cool though whether it is a drone or sky taxi

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Knowing how your drone performs - or misbehaves - would you ride in this:

If I could pilot it like my quads…nope


Going to join in on this and with a heavy hand on heart and say no no no no no.

Is it going over water :poop: :poop: :poop: big time :rofl:

Chinese drone? Flying in the States? Why don’t they fly it in Shenzhen? No, no, no
Hope it has the latest firmware update😎

Now let me think…

:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

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yeh i would can’t be any worse than some of the Uber drivers i have got in with lol


YEP,I WOULD!!! think of the bragging rights,mine is bigger then yours ,lol :wink: :wink: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

With you on that lol

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Come on man, you’d want to be in that when it does a flip, for sure.


More drone taxi news:


I think that they will be a thing but I don’t know when they will be seen in the air though do you?

To be fair - a commercial aircraft can fly autonomous! From take off to landing!

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The pilot of the last Emirates 380 I flew on told me this, he is almost there as a back up if all goes tits up or someone needs to press ctrl alt delete


I’ve heard that before as well

I worked at the CAA many moons ago… mid 90s. Hopefully things have improved now, but back then I heard lots of stories of pilots having to intervene during autopilot landings.

They don’t glide, and for that reason I’ll out…:thinking:

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