The great big 'What do you fly?' Poll - 2022 Edition

My Fleet


Well, nearly. :wink:

DJI Air2 with Smart Controller that I’ve had since release and prob won’t sell or upgrade really.

All DJI system
iFlight Nazgul5 XL (4s)
iFlight Nazgul5 LED (4s)
iFlight Protek35hd (4s)
iFlight A75HD (3s)
iFlight A85HD (4s)
I sound like an iFlight fanboy

Hate to think what that threesome could make :crazy_face: :upside_down_face: :joy:

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In other:

  • Spry+
  • Matrice M300

The Phantom 4 I have is the multispectral one.

I ticked Mavic Zoom but its the version redone as the Mavic2Enterprise.


I’m with you on this one, I don’t have the smart controller thou but hopefully mini 3 SC works one day.

As the voting stands at the moment, 85% of our members own a DJI Mini 1, 2 or 3.

85%… :scream:


I’m really surprised that I can’t see not one person has the mavic 3 cine & i new the minis would take run :man_running:t2::running_man:t3::running_woman: Damn :smile:

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Commercial pilots bang on about the M3 cine because clients want Pro res etc, not one client has ever asked me , and to me it’s just status , it’s not how big or fancy it is, it’s how you use it , I have done many media shoots and even the Liam Gallagher “Better Days video with the Mini 2 the final video was put out at 1080p I shot at 4K 25 fps the Alta 8 was shooting in pro res you cannot see any difference in the final cut
Mini 2 made more money last year for me than my others it’s a serious little drone, and now mini 3 pro, two jobs in and paid for already, so never feel because your not flying an expensive or the latest big drone you are an underdog Minis Rule!! In my book commercial or hobby :+1::movie_camera:


Told you ;o)

I know @milkmanchris :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::movie_camera::+1:

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Yes I like your attitude on that & yes I do keep hearing about the mini 2 & 3 if it’s doing the job then don’t change - some times small is bigger & better - keep up the good work - as my mate said to me when I was talking or ( moaning rather ) :smile: about some of my shots with the MA2 - he replied rich stop running before you can walk - just keep practising not all photos your want till keep etc etc - so that’s my aim is to just keep trying I’m sure I’ll get there in the end ( I hope ) :smile:

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Practice practice practice take the same shot with different settings and try AEB if unsure it’s the composure that matters I always under expose gives me something to work with The Air 2 is another amazing little drone keep it up :+1:

Thankyou I’ll do my best !

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DJI Mini 2 still firmly clinging on to that 50% point.

Really surprised at the Mavic 3 only polling at 2% would have thought higher than that.

No way, you can’t be surprised by the lack of uptake :smiley:

I guess the Evo drones are not too popular here?

Wondering if I will fly my Air 2 much more - the mini 3 pro is so easy to just fly. If I want a quick grab shot , I can be up and down in seconds. Maybe if the wind is up, then I will fly it…

I think we’ve only ever been able to count the owners of non-DJI brands in single digits. It’s a shame DJI don’t have any real competition :confused:

If I had to guess I’d say the people who own both a <250g and a >250g drone tend to fly their sub 250 around 95% of the time :thinking:

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