The Grey Arrows 3rd Annual Birthday Competition and Treasure Hunt




Not some indistinguishable smudge a few miles off that could be a stray hippopotamus as much as a hangar.


You can clearly see on a zoom it’s there… okay may not be in focus but it’s there and the reason it’s not in focus was because I was abiding by the land owners instructions.

Anyway, it’s hardly life and death. Moving on :joy:

Perhaps there should be a disqualifying rule lol

@McSteamy2010 you are to competitive for your own good me thinks :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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:point_up_2: this


I could get it a car and drive down there and see one for myself.

The idea is to “take a photo/video” of the objects!

If you took your kids to a photographer for portraits, and you got back a small smudge that you had to “zoom” to see, you wouldn’t pay,


It’s only a bit of fun guys, no hard feeling :+1:t4:

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NO - it ceased being any FUN for the committee several days ago.

I’ll tell you what - this might very well be the last ever challenge/competition that we do. I, for one, won’t propose that we do another.

It really isn’t worth it.

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Sorry you feel this way Dave, If not a competition it’s always good to have excuse to just get out capture things you wouldn’t normally and I’m sure it’s helping a few after what could of been hard times the last few months.


The committee have a history of being nit-picking about their own definitions, so they should not be surprised when that approach provokes nit-picking queries in return. Especially when the current bonus is impossible.

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That’s not good!! shame cos there is some good shots and interesting places

Depends how much winning means personally I think it gives a good reason to try and find new things to film , but if I don’t get time or find stuff then so be it good luck to those who do


I can appreciate that it’s pretty hard work dealing with the queries, incomplete submissions etc, but it’s been really good to have the motivation to get out and about and go find new things. So the effort in organising it is appreciated here.

Plus for me, the research to find locations is part of the fun (well, almost), and one reason I like drone flying is learning about new places and things, so that’s all good too. I never imagined I’d spend so much time staring at sewage plants on Google maps, for sure.


It’s the dark horses I’m watching for. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Agreed, I’ve learnt more about places over the last week, than I have in 38 years :joy:


I think this is my favourite post this year should be a badge for it :joy::joy::joy::rofl:


Is also post like this that can belittle people too

Thats my betting too, good research and a read of the rules and you can easily get all the photos and a good proportion of the bonus points on offer.


I don’t think @OzoneVibe had any intentions of belittling anyone so to speak. I think a small amount of frustration was getting aired.
This is a good forum and club. People have opinions and in the true spirt of debate that forums bring out people will challenge other people in a polite and constructive way.
Lines maybe crossed occasionally that’s the nature of things.
We all love the hobby and the friendships we make on here add to our life in a positive way.


but i think that’s part of the comp if you sent something in by post you wouldn’t have the option of changing or reposting it it would just go on the no good pile

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That’s fair enough and I agree but this isn’t a postal competition and people can ask and will ask that all i was trying to get across. :+1:t4:

Going so far of topic now, the mods will have a job clearing this up.

Apologies guys.

No - it’s cows lying down and gypsy horses that get the bonuses. Nothing extra for dark horses :slight_smile: