The Grey Arrows 3rd Annual Birthday Competition and Treasure Hunt

I’ve just spent a happy hour looking through this thread but would like clarification on one point

Once an entry for one of the items is submitted is it possible to re-submit another entry for the same category in order to get the bonus points missed the first time around?

For example, if I submit an RAF airfield with control tower and claim point and bonus (two points total) but later find an RAF airfield with control tower AND hangar (worth three points) can I replace my original entry?

(I haven’t by the way, it’s just that I may improve on some others already submitted - no, not a bloody vineyard!)


Afraid not


Thought so! Just needed clarification :slight_smile:


Sadly I’m in the same situation. Working all the hours I can to get the house complete and move the five of us (including 3 very bored yet amazing kids) back home… Oh, and gratefully try and retain a day job…

Progress on the build has been great… Budget (and some) has gone to pot and I hurt everywhere, all the time. Carpets go down w/c Aug 24th.

We’ve been taking loads of pics and will get the drone out again when we’re done.

Loving to see this year’s entries (and the banter), keep up the great work to help keep those of us sane who would much rather be out & about.


My submission for item 14: A sequence of four or more canal locks. No bonus claimed

A 250-mile round trip on Sunday, August 9 to Caen Hill, Devizes and flying both a Mavic Air and an Inspire (not simultaneously) between 100 and 13:00 yielded no better result than @McSteamy2010. got a few days before.

Caravan and camping sites are full so where are all the canal-borne travellers in their long, narrow, floating caravans? I thought that with a flight of 15 locks at some point four consecutive locks would be occupied. Not so. Only mad dogs and drone pilots go out in the midday sun.


Very nice Rob, lovely place isn’t it! :+1:t4: I’m not sure if boats can follow each other up… when I was there they seemed to leave gaps between locks. Possibly because of water levels in each pit? :thinking:


When I was a nipper we would take boating holidays on the Thames. s many boats as possible seemed to cram into the locks. But there just wasn’t the traffic on the canal that I thought there would be. I know the side ponds are primarily for water retention but they have also been used for boats to wait while locks are occupied. But the side ponds seem to be almost stagnant and with chain barriers across, suggesting that there isn’t that much boat traffic.

I drove up from Poole after an attempt to find a rumoured Romany bow-top caravan. The A350 is a series of villages connected by winding tarmac. And the guy driving in front gave himself a discount on all speed limits - 40 became 32, 30 was 25 and 20 was 15.

Still, it was a nice field to fly from :slight_smile:

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When it takes 5-6 hours to pass through I can see why this is the case :joy: did you manage to get many nice shots? I’m guessing 250miles wasnt just for that one shot :wink:

No. 250 miles was not just for one location. Up at 0530, drop Dogzilla off for a play date with my mate Bryan, down to Dorset, a couple of circuits of the New Forest, Poole, Devizes, back to the Forest for a shot that couldn’t be done earlier - the subject was late in arriving and then back along a holiday route notorious for traffic jams before the press of vehicles became too much.

Collect Dogzilla and home for tea and medals


Oh wow! Great road trip though :+1:t4: Music on, nice weather. :ok_hand: perfecto!

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My submission for item 9: VW Camper van (Type 1) - I give you a choice of two, both splitties so I claim the bonus point for both being split-screen

Unfortunately neither brought a surfboard for a day in the New Forest. Taken at Burley Manor Park on Sunday 09/08/2020 at 15:25.

I had turned up first at 09:30, having met the organiser when she encouraged a number of VW campers onto hHayling Island the previous weekend and been told that, although Hayling had no splitties there would be several at Burley. There weren’t

I was then told that they would be turning up later and if I turned up around 15:30 everyone would still be there for prize-giving. So, having failed to fond a Romany caravan in Poole and not seeing more than two boats n a whole flight of 15 locks I drove back to Burley. Lots of traffic was coming the other way as I got close to the village. Every second vehicle seemed to be a VW camper.

But I made a rushed, quick and dirty flight to grab the last two before they went to join the traffic jams on the areas main routes.

Two points please :slight_smile:


Can’t allow this @stevesb

Enjoyed the video though.

Full Leader-board updated.

[1] @McSteamy2010 [35 points]
[2] @macspite [27 points]
[3] @Neil79 [26 points]
[4] @Steviegeek [23 points]
[5] @Fatboy [18 points]
[6] @lee [17 points]
[7] @stevesb [14 points]
[8] @kvetner [12 points]
[9] @Meondrone [11 points]
[10=] @scorps [8 points]
[10=] @JoeC [8 points]
[12=] @TonyDM [4 points]
[12=] @Drones-CL [4 points]
[14] @Jhdee [2 points]


@macspite and @Neil79 swap positions. :wink:


That’s fine. Read it as RAF use but re read as per your definition.

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Oh its going to be close :grimacing::grin:.
@macspite well done. Think @Steviegeek hungry for it tho. :rofl:.

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I’d better think about posting some more up.
Can’t let you guys have all the excitement :grinning:


It will be close - harvest is over and I’m light on coal mines so a potential ten points is not available. I reckon the slow and steady ones are either planning for the next few weeks or have already taken the videos and pictures and will be releasing them in the last few days just to taunt us as they race ahead :slight_smile:

But it has been a great exercise , has got me thinking, mobile and even more skint than usual. I have also got slightly distracted while playing with mission planning and Google Earth so have lined up a few good non-competition flights for when the money starts coming in again.

One thing’s certain, it would be a lot cheaper to buy myself a £100 Hobby Mounts voucher but far less fun :slight_smile:


:100: % agree :joy::joy: has been a lot fun though! Loved it. Only got a couple left to do, think my top spot is soon to be taken. :+1:t4:

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Any sleepers will have to start posting on 22nd August to have time for a full house.


No 21 A train entering/exiting a tunnel
Bonus point if powered by a steam locomotive
Bonus point if a video of the steam locomotive in reverse

Jacobite steam train video taken on 5.08.2020 not my best work but was late at location luck to get this shot video was shot at A830 Loch Nan Uamh Druimindarroch.

This Is a video from my daughters phone