The mystery of the Specta Air, Anzu Robotics Raptor T, and other white label DJI clones - Everything you need to know


It was also about time someone bumped the fact DJI are state-sponsored and dusted the cobwebs off that one, it’s not been mentioned for a very long time now.

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The nature of the DJI-Anzu relationship appears to defy common business conventions

No shit? :rofl:

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Moolenaar, Krishnamoorthi Expose PRC Drone Company Masquerading as U.S. Firm

NO More Geofencing | Specta Air and Specta Mini

Dronelink Software Now Integrated with Anzu Robotics Drones

Anzu Robotics is Coming to Europe

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Did they forget that they already sell the DJI Mavic 3? :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:t2:

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Invalid plan

Mission exceeds maximum altitude set in DJI App.

Set in DJI app? What DJI app? This is an Anzu drone?! :thinking:

Why is an Anzu controller referencing a DJI app?

Oh… wait… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


And eight full months later this still remains the single most bonkers thing I have ever seen in the drone industry.

It’d be like me buying a white Tesla, painting it Kermit-green and selling it on eBay as a completely new brand :man_facepalming:t2:


And that’s a thing

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Copy nothing.

Unless you’re Jaguar.

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It’s been analysed and proven to be just a shit paint job :joy:

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I think we saw the shit paint job on the FCC database when it first appeared, you could see the grey plastic underneath the green paint where they’d (badly) opened it up :rofl:

They didn’t find a way around it though, Anzu are included in the ban due to “subsidiaries, affiliates, and partners” and probably the licensing part too.


They have been on to him for ages :grinning: Randle your time is up

Coptrz must be nuts

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