The Silent Flyer - A new type of UAV

Although the overall appearance will be familiar to all of us.

Hmmm no actual video of even a prototype flying though, but plenty of computer graphic representations. :wink::wink:

When I was a very young man, I learned that, flight like a bird’s was not possible as the wings were constantly changing shape. The technology at the time was just not up to it. Maybe that time has come?

But I am struggling to see a commercial use for this technology - apart from spying on people and industrial espionage. Either one is legally dodgy.

I watched a video last year where the sound of wings was recorded. The only bird that came close to being silent was an owl

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Looks like something from these loons :joy:

Probably not as technically advanced as the Silentflyer but a bloody funny video of a similar concept :dizzy_face: :thinking: :man_shrugging: :rofl: :rofl:

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I want one with a camera, basically an FPV bird that can swoop down and catch the radio-controlled pigeons (or mice) operated by the other player.

Do you think that would catch on ? Should I patent the idea ?
(Perhaps a bit too obvious !)