I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene:
Land owner permission not required.
Parking & TOAL on the side of the lane.
Dating back to the Early and Middle Neolithic periods (3400-2400 BC). The monument includes a long barrow set on the crest of a NW-facing slope in an area of undulating chalk downland. It survives as a substantial earthwork, broadly rectangular in plan and orientated north-south. The barrow mound is 54m long, 24m wide and varies in height between 3m at the north end and 4m at the chambered south end. The chamber has been partly excavated and consequently appears as a hollowed area containing four large sarsen blocks. A further hollow runs the length of the mound along the top of the monument. This may represent the earliest disturbance of the site which is believed to have been in the 18th century. Flanking the mound are ditches, from which material was quarried during the construction of the monument. These run parallel to the east and west sides of the mound. The eastern ditch survives to 8m wide and 0.5m deep. The western ditch has been largely infilled over the years but can still be traced on the surface as a low earthwork.
The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 23/07/2023. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.