Tower Bridge, London

Thought it about time I shared a pic from my Mini 3 Pro. Take-off point was Jubilee Gardens in July, at 322 feet.

Firt time I’ve turned up at a spot to find 3 other drone pilots (all Mini 2’s) with the same plan in the same spot, friendly bunch.


Do you have a what three words location for your TOAL? I thought Jubilee Gardens was behind the London Eye? I’d like to do this myself and have been looking for a good TOAL location.

@drewpost some useful information re TOAL for this area can be found here:


He might be referring to Hermatige Gdns which is not LBTH maintained.


That’s perfect! Thanks! I’m up in London next week for work and have some down time in the evening so I might pop over.


So sorry, yes I did mean Hermitage Riverside Memorial Gardens. Walk to the corner nearest Tower Bridge for the least conspicuous spot.

3 words:

Have fun, The Thames is one London’s windiest spots, hope it’s OK for you.

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That’s really good, is that how it came off the camera or is there post prod?

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Thanks. There was a fair bit of adjustment, mostly in Photoshop Raw with the sky and ground masked and adjusted separately. Also a tweak to ‘levels’ in Photoshop itself.

Lovely photos I thought you be in a FRZ being in cen London or was that not the case !


Just outside edge of one. There are three in central London. Ignore the big pink warning zone covering all of Cenral London.

I was just to the east of the most eastern zone of the three in the middle of the map:

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Was this a sunset ? Looks like it pointing west

It is indeed west

Yep sunset, I hate mornings and thankfully I to ussually manage to sleep through them. The joys of being freelance.


So I finally captured Tower Bridge this morning…… Not a soul in sight and perfect conditions…


Do you need to fill out a UAV form from the port of London authority ( PLA’s ) to get permission to fly ?
Or is it not the case to do ?

They ask you to, but you have zero legal obligation to do so.
