UAV Forecast has changed (and is now charging)

I recently noticed that the free version of UAV Forecast has changed

Previously it provided a somewhat useful 24hr forecast, but that has now changed to a mere 3hr forecast which is pretty useless for planning purposes.

In general I’ve found it to be insufficiently accurate to consider the paid version - it often reckons it’s ‘Not good to fly’ when the conditions are perfectly fine :frowning:


I noticed the same thing when I checked it this morning.
Quite disapppointing, although I decided that I find it useful enough to justify paying for.

By the way - if you are looking to buy a licence, I’d strongly recommend doing it via their website rather than as an in-app purchase, it’s substantially cheaper!
Guess whether I found this out before or after making an in-app purchase? :roll_eyes:

I think it must have changed very recently - I was using it just now to check the weather tomorrow and noticed it only gave me up to 2am, which is chocolate teapot territory. Pretty sure it was ok at the start of the weekend. No, it’s not going to persuade me to pay for it either although I had considered it once or twice - this has just pissed me off a bit to be honest since there was no advance announcement afaik.

Any suggested alternatives? I tried a couple of others before this one but I thought they were pretty naff


If you have an Airdata account there is the OK To Fly page which gives a similar forecast to UAV and extends for fourteen days.

If you aren’t signed in it is only for three days if I remember correctly. That may also bee the case if you have a free account. I have the next tier up which is worthwhile and affordable, especially with the GADC members discount :slight_smile:


I have a paid account for Airdata (Gold, so I can check the batteries). I saw the Good 2 Fly page on the app when I first got it but thought it was a bit clumsy so stuck with UAV forecast. But you’re right it gives a long look ahead and I’m paying for it so may as well use it! :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

Looks like UAV Forecast is toast :waffle: (there doesn’t appear to be a toast emoji, so I’ve substituted a waffle which may be more appropriate)

I like Airdata, though, dead useful. :+1:t2:

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Airdata is showing me 5 days of forecast data when signed in with a free account.
I’m not mad keen on the interface of airdata in general, I find it pretty clunky to use, but it’s definitely useful to have another source of info to go at.

@GreyDad waffles (or at least stroopwafels) are far superior to toast anyway :yum:
Now I want a stroopwafel!

Might be off topic, but what battery info do you get beyond the info already available in the DJI app?


try much more acurate :slight_smile:


I must admit I did like UAV Forecast, and the 24 hour time window was enough for me, but 3hrs is no use at all. I have uninstalled it and they have a shiny new 1 star rating. I agree that Airdata Good To Fly is clunky but it has 5 days worth of mostly the same data for free. I am guessing I won’t be alone in dumping UAV Forecast :-1:

There is an IOS app called AURA - Smart Weather for Drones in the APPSTORE.
The +1H button bottom right will advance the forecast in hourly segments for as far ahead as you might need.
Can’t vouch for it’s accuracy, but most weather apps rely on readily available data elsewhere.

Sorry Rob but that app is a no from me, it says I am in a NFZ ffs

And it’s a HUGE NFZ :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes, I’ve dumped it too. I could hang around for 3 hrs to monitor conditions myself if that was all I needed, calling 3 hrs ‘forecast’ is a bit of a stretch. They’re not the first company to try and force people to buy subscriptions by crippling the free version :frowning_face:.

I changed to Ventusky a number of months ago and have never looked back. I find it extremely accurate.


Use which is run by Airdata.


|irdata OK yo Fly suggested by me (Rob) or Aura suggested by Ron?

Rob,Ron, you are all the same :joy:

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What about Dronecast? Anyone used that?

Slight hi Jack on Airdata theme, any one know how to display wind direction along with all the wind/altitude stuff… Can’t find it! Using it on mobile phone btw.

Not sure about the direction, I’m on the free version, maybe that’s the paid version, just a guess.

That’s under the tabs on the mobile app then press the square / squares, again I’m running the free version, illustrated below, sorry I can’t be of no more help.