UK law on flying in your local park & over private land

That’s the attitude to have in this hobby. Go out and fly and enjoy it. As long as you know you’re flying safely that’s all that matters.


Yeah but nobody ever does :wink:

Get out and fly, thats the best advice


This ^ Just fly safe and don’t be a dick and you’ll be fine :+1:


Don’t forget, a NOTAM isn’t always a flight restriction.

More often than not a NOTAM is just an advisory that other things may be in your airspace (eg, weather ballon launches or laser light shows) at a given time on a given date. Most of them do not prevent you flying there.

Always read the detailed text of the NOTAM :slight_smile:


Yeah this has taken me a bit to get my head around. There are a couple of military areas I want to fly in so knowing when they are in operation is difficult to find out sometimes.

Unless it’s a place they keep the exercises as secret, they are generally published, but they don’t make them easy to find. E.g. for the shooting range near me I have to specifically google ‘Kingsbury Firing Range timings’ to have any real chance of finding the timings.

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I have enjoyed reading all these posts and the points, laws ,and advices for me if you don’t poke the hornets nest then its a lot safer with no surprises , :sunglasses:

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