Viaducts along the Cherwell Valley pt.1

Please visit my YT channel and feel free to ‘like’ if you do and comment whether you do or don’t (if you see what I mean). Part 2 will be along soon.


11 posts were split to a new topic: Flying over railway lines

Excellent super smooth flying :+1:
Aerial footage really shows how outstanding the Victorian engineers were in building their structures into their environment. Thats a fine project you have there.

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Thank you for your kind comments. I plan to go back there and fly under the arches and also try to get a goods train traveling over the viaduct. Long walk but the dog will enjoy it lol.

Stunning footage! Enjoyed that :ok_hand:


Thank you for your comments Steve, much appreciated.

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Good vid, like the long shadows.

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Thank you for taking the time to look and comment