WANTED: DJI Air 2 to iPhone cable

Just a quick ask if anyone has the above for sale as I seem to of lost mine :man_facepalming:t2:

Plenty on ebay mate, between a fiver and a tenner (ish)

Ok cheers not really a fan of flea bay but I’ll check it out :+1:t3:

Is it for the RC-N1 controller, Nick? And which iPhone model?

I suspect you just need a short USC-C to Lightning cable :thinking:


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Just get a new iPhone, lightning cable is soooo last year!

I have iPhone 14 pro max

@BigDog if you want the official DJI cable, it’s here:

Hi Nick, @BigDog
DM me your address and I’ll post you one out same day
Cheers, Steve

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Are you sure I don’t mind giving you a few quid ???

Beer at next meet wil be fine Nick :+1:

Ok thanks Steve, that said I think it would be a great idea. If someone prints you something or like you give something away FOC you should be able to buy them a raffle ticket in return and have the option to put there name on it, if all that makes sense :thinking::rofl:

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