Waypoint 2.0

Having a play with the GO4 App this morning, specifically the Waypoint 2.0 Quite a clever thing if I’m using it correctly.

Similar to that of Litchi I’m guessing? Map your routes, set POI’s, heights, speeds, camera operations.

Now I’ve just got to test what I’ve put together.
I’ve not used this mode before and I’m guessing like others (activetrack) you can just stop it mid flight if needed? :grimacing: I’m unsure on the height of the trees so this might cause an issue.

“Doors to Manual - OA Sensors to Automatic”

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Charge that battery first Steve ;op

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Good plan :wink::man_facepalming:t4::joy:

Fly it first at good height, then modify after you’ve seen the ‘lay of the land’ (or is that the height of the trees :laughing:)

Steve :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes steve, think I might do that, don’t want to just hit GO and hope for the best. :man_facepalming:t4::joy: I’ll probably never use this feature again but to test it out can only be a good thing. :ok_hand:


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Haha! Shall I just go in balls deep and trim the trees :+1:t4::rofl:

“Trust the Force!”

Also, my go-to post for a demonstration of OA in action.

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Waypoint 2.0 is great. I think you get full sensor protection in that mode, but check.
It produces very smooth footage when varying yaw and gimbal while flying sideways/backwards. Try doing that manually!

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But Litchi is far better. :+1: :wink:


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Litchi chit-chat … What’s Litchi? Should I use Litchi?