What do people prefer: the native app or Litchi

I was hip in the 70s.


Nice one guys!
Happy flying

For practical reasons, I’ll be mainly using Fly and Litchi for waypoints & follow.

I’m trying to ween myself off the Windows PC onto a Chromebook. I like taking 360s and there doesn’t appear to be an app available to stitch them together as required for Litchie’s 360s. Shame because there’s parameters to control them but unless Litchi Android gets the option to save the 360 then I’ll be using Fly.

I use my Chromebook a lot, its great for what it is designed or, web browsing and the Google Suite of apps (work have bought heavily into this)

As above, they are glorified mobile phones and just don’t have the grunt for this type of task.

Litchi has never had this as an Android feature, and although I used it on my iOS devices, it was always hit and miss and sometimes wouldn’t even stitch them at all.

The only problem with the 360 images produced by Fly is the low quality, 8MP (40962048) compared to the 156 MP (204227648) you can get get with the most simple of stitch on AGP etc. (thats jpeg too, before we even start on RAW images)

It’s more than just a technical issue. The PC is upstairs in a bedroom, no room for it downstairs. My wife’s sat downstairs in front of the fire. I’d prefer to be by the fire with her and the Chromebook is light, decent battery life, etc. Bimostitch nearly does the job but doesn’t have the options of ICE to create a 360 that suits Panoee, etc.


Don’t they support BYOD?

They’ve gone a bit GDPR crazy, now mostly ‘managed’ devices, nailed down like a coffin

They want us to become a paper/Microsoft free workplace

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You could use Google Remote Desktop on your Chromebook to do the stitching in ICE on your PC.


Ultimately want to get rid of the PC but that’s a good shout for now.

Any reason you went the Chromebook route instead of laptop or MacBook ?

The Chromebook are new, like the battery life, screen quality and they’re the flip type that fold over into a large tablet. It wasn’t bought with any intention to use for the drone photos but in terms of photo management with an auto-sync app to OneDrive for storage, works great.

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As I said with the Google suite (which they were designed around) they are incredible little machines , just lacking that grunt.

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On this basis I have just ordered 10 copies


And those same YouTubers have got their heads up their collective exhaust pipes. If there is an automated routine that works and improves your workflow then why not use it? I can guarantee that if you asked these same YouTubers to disable GPS positioning and auto levelling they’d end up shaking like a shiteing dog. There’s one YouGuber on the Fylde Coast I take particular umbrage with.

I’m a recent adopter of Litchi and I only have two drones that can use it, a Spark and a Mini2, and I’ve pretty much stopped all use of the Go4 and Fly APP’s. Could I replicate an automated instruction? Probably. Could I do it to the same accuracy and repeat it with the same accuracy? No!. And why should I when an automated solution is available.

Camera drones are not a competitive sport.


[rant] I’m sorry to disagree. You can buy Chromebooks (as I have) with processors and memory equal to any laptop spec. They remain cost effective compared to Windows Laptops and now support Linux too so any Linux graphics app will perform. I use Kdenlive which is highly functional and when I get drone footage will be uploading all sorts.

In short, i3 and i5 Chromebooks will do fine, yes a lot of apps are downloaded from the google play store but you also have access to Linux and all of the powerful tools it supports such as GIMP for graphics, Audacity for audio and as mentioned Kdenlive for video [/rant]

Apologies for the basic question…

Does Litchi depend upon a good signal from the controller or can it work without?

I run the FCC mode from drone tweaks to boost said signal. So not sure of this conflicts with Litchi etc.

That depends on which model of drone you have.

Certainly the Go4 app drones can continue to roam without a signal.

I’m not sure if it’s all or some of the Fly app drones that can’t.


Air 2 / Mini 2

Any drone that uses the fly app needs a connection, if you loose it then signal loss setting will be activated


The GO controlled drones are ‘sent’ the mission and it will go do it , even miles away.

The FLY ones are sent a a combination of stick controls to complete the mission, hence no signal/connection they stop/RTH/land (depending on what you set it to)