I have just been browsing around in DroneScene and saw this area in yellow in the centre of Coventry
There are a few other areas like it nearby, and I wondered what is the status of this area. My assumption is that this is effectively a warning to tread carefully, but I’m not sure.
It doesn’t seem to be a FRZ, or anything ‘official’ (that location is actually a large IKEA store that has now closed down).
Advice would be appreciated
the yellow zones are ground hazards I believe
zones of high public traffic like parks, canal paths and things like that. Also power lines and schools also fall under the same layer they are perfectly leagal to fly in just be aware of your surroundings and other things like privacy concerns.
As you can see I’ve actually flown in that exact zone you’ve used as an example. I just had a spotter with me when I did it for extra safety
Actually @BudgieUK having looked again that comes under the air space restrictions layer so yes a very good question I’m not entirely sure myself what that means lol maybe others will shed some light of the situation.
It was definitely just a ground hazard for high members of the public when I flown there last year. seems to have changed now.
Might be worth asking the Council. Maybe they imposed it