Which video editing software

What software do most use to edit their videos?


I use FilmoraGo


I use Magix Movie Edit Pro Premium, relatively easy, a good ui and a decent suite of effects… Copes with 4K well if your PC is up to it.


I use FCPX, but it is a bit of an initial outlay

DaVinci Resolve offer a free version which is very good also.


Davinci resolve for me


Thanks for the suggestions.

Just downloading DaVinci resolve 12.5.6



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I use Premiere Pro and sometimes Davinci Resolve.

Davinci resolve is great for free software, my previous laptop wasn’t up to running it so put more time into Premiere. Might give it another shot now I’ve upgraded.

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Problem is the huge cost of an Adobe subscription, check out shortcut, it’s free and very Premier esque

Premiere pro CC is what i use. It can be complicated but easy to pick up for some simple editing…

Apple iMovie here :+1:


Premiere Pro for serious stuff and LumaFusion for quick work on my IPad Pro.


FCPX all the way.


Davinci Resolve… it’s free, easy to use and does an excellent job

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2 parts to my response here:
DA Vinci crashing
I downloaded Da Vinci Resolve free and tried using it and each time, half way through a Project it crashes and I lose the programme and have to restart. As it was just a trial project I did not mind. Any tips?

Editing Composition
One thing having the software, but the next as a non editing expert is how to decide what to include and what to cut out! The natural reaction is that you want to keep it all, but the quality results should probably delete most clips. I suspect that in fact the planning should all start with planning the flying and what you film while flying, but the temptation is to film too much.
I would love to be directed as to where to gain these basic skills.
I’ve got the flying bit sorted, its the filming and editing bit I am struggling with. Having no time at all to spend time editing, I want it to be quick and easy.
All tips gratefully received - without tech jargon please!

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I’ve been trying kdenlive but I find then all pretty complicated. Be nice to have something like power director, which is a phone app, that works on a desk top…

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Adobe just came out with a much easier version of Premiere called Premiere Rush -it’s very basic but pretty intuitive … I made my first video with it today - I posted on the daily photo section …

Ok slightly of topic but still relevant
Who keeps all there original files?
I am wondering Wether to use handbrake and convert them to mkv to reduce there size any thoughts?

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I do but they are just stacking up, I have loads of editing to be done as well :blush:


I keep everything as original.
Storage is cheap.

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