Which video editing software

It’s just remembering where you’ve put it…

That remains the same whether you convert to mkv or not … that’s a different discussion.

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I do too!

Couple of reasons…

Mainly though, because my nieces and nephews can do a far better job of video editing that I can… teenagers eh?

So I’m thinking that once I’ve mastered this dark art I can come back to my original media / footage and try again :+1:

Plus, as Dave said:

And indeed it is:

My CrystalSky Ultra now has more storage space than my desktop pc


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I do, got them all on a 2TB drive, but never do anything with them.
One day I’ll get the hang of video editing!

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Yup, got every single video/photo I have ever taken with all my drones.
Currently all on a duplicated 4 tb drive!

Morning all,
So I’ve managed to download some video and its a bit rubbish in honesty, i need to learn how to move in a 360 rotation without it making me dizzy! However, there’s some nice bits in there I want to edit out. What is the best software, preferably free as I’m a tight ass!


Moved your post over to a pre-existing thread on the subject, @johnm1974.

Thank you - apologies for not spotting the other thread…


No probs …

There’s also these threads too …

Video editing

What is the best edit and export solutions for YouTube

Free video editing software

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Windows or Mac? That can impact the choice.

Free - many, like myself, favour Da Vinci Resolve which is also available for all platforms.

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Mac - just downloading Da Vinci - looks good - thanks again guys!!

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There are more simple solutions - but you soon find they are too simple and you need to step up, anyway.

DVR isn’t totally straightforward and takes a while to work some things out, but it’s worth investing the time to get to grips with it.

Download the MASSIVE pdf manual - it’s very searchable.
It covers all the settings and features in good detail (… including the expensive Studio version - a shame there isn’t a manual that only covers what’s in the free).

Maybe try iMovie first if your very new to video editing, its made by Apple and its free.


Anyone interested in the voodoo art of video editing and has gone the Davinci Resolve route might be interested in BlackMagicDesigns Youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCufB8sMVyP9JEScMjLz74YA Now, bear in mind that BMD do a hell of a lot more than just Davinci Resolve so there are videos in their about their panels, camera etc. But there are also brilliant videos that cover all the aspects of working with Davinci Resolve from intro all the way through to Colour matching and Fairlight sound design.

You may also find these books of interest too. https://smile.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_11?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=davinci+resolve+15&sprefix=davinci+res%2Caps%2C139&crid=1UJKBGK5ZQZKS

I have three of them and they are excellent. A little pricey but the actual book quality does reflect this. There are also tests you can take to prove your knowledge and ability.

Hope it helps

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Thanks, I’ll take a look…

Hi peeps,
Just wondering what video editing software people use. I will be working on iPad and/or Mac desktop.
This is a hobby so don’t want to spend a fortune.
Cheers, Simon

I moved your post over to this pre-existing thread on the same subject.


Thx, I’ll get the hang of this forum thing yet! :joy:


FInal Cut Pro - just scratching the surface and need a lot more footage to work on.

Are you on Mac or Windows, @A37Gnome ?

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