While Im at it...Litchi Update for SC

There is a Litchi update for the Smart controller available too.

I accessed it through my Amazon Appstore.

Am I looking in the right place @sunstone mate?


That’s showing v4.14.0-a from 27/08/19

Does the app store on the device show a newer version?

Is this where I creep back under my rock ?

I was away throughout August and I’d not thought to check Litchi on my SC until this afternoon.

OG yeah, mine is now as upto date as yours. v4.14.0-a . :see_no_evil:

Have they landed on the moon yet?


Steve , since you’ve been gone we have landed on Jupiter, Mars, Mercury Venus…:rofl:

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Yep! They found some goo on the dark side, might be Big foots’ cousin known as Small foot, might be it’s poo…:thinking:


Youll be telling me next that people have cordless phones!!! :grin: