Wigg Island Meet-up to see Fiddlers Ferry Power Station Cooling Towers demolished 3rd December 2023

Hi All,

Fiddlers Ferry Power Station is due to come down on the 3rd December, between 8am and midday - Date set for demolition of iconic towers at Fiddlers Ferry - Cheshire Live

Not sure if there will be a FRZ in place, but Wigg Island may provide a reasonable place to watch from and perhaps a place to capture the towers being demolished…

Wigg Island, Runcorn WA7 1LU

We ‘could’ make this the NW Yuletide Meet - fancy dress or xmas jumpers and secret santa optional - or we could do that later - weather depending…

What do you think?

  • Up for a meet up on 3rd for 8am - weather and FRZ depending…
  • Nah, wont be bothering this time
  • Up for a meet - lets make it an Xmas theme…
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I think they’re evacuating the area but not sure of the radius and possibly getting to it could be tricky.

We can only wait and see, worst case scenario we dont go…

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I posted this on the fiddlers ferry ‘I’ve flown here’ page the other day. Road closures 7am-1pm. Not heard of just which areas are being evacuated

This shows the proposed road closure

Flight location this morning (in green) in relation to the demo site


As long as any FRZ is limited to the far side of the Gateway bridge as seen from Wigg Island then it will be worth doing, the main issue wuill be exact timing, we need to have an idea in order to have drone in the air…

All I’ve heard is expected ‘boom time’ to be 8am-12pm

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Not with FCC mode enabled :smirk:. But I see your point​:+1:

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Yeah, local residents advised of road closure (A562 Widnes Rd) between 07:00 & 13:00. Thinking that boom will be timed to coincide with favourable wind direction if possible to push dust away from residential areas.
Not sure if a access to Wigg via Daresbury Express way (A558) from M56 & A56 is open as access near Daresbury labs has been closed for a while but I’ve not been that way lately.
Spike Island may also offer some views and parking available at catalyst museum.
I’m guessing that the locations with an eleveated / open view are going to draw big crowds?

Latest update from the local rag about Fiddlers Ferry

Very short time frame for the explosions, and not hint yet as to a siren/countdown

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Explosions tend to be rather quick … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Doh, stupid me :man_facepalming:. I meant it along the lines of getting drone in the air and finding the right shot prior to boom time, and hoping there’s enough battery power left to capture the explosion and resulting collapse and dust cloud.

It sounded ok in my head when I originally typed it :rofl: (note to self - proof read twice before hitting reply!!)

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Look for a plume of white smoke floating across the site first, usually goes a minute or so afterwards

Top tip, cheers. I guess that negates my latest post :+1::+1:

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You already know the exact time of the explosion … it will be about 2 mins after that low battery bleeping starts. :wink:

Also - usually - there’s restricted area in place around this demolitions … so a drone with a good optical zoom would be handy … Mavic3 Pro style.

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I’ve been forgetting to do this all my life :grin::grin:

I guess we will know in the next few days if a NFZ will be in palce, and how large it will be.

Ive been hunting round for more info on timing etc, but its very hard.
Looking at the map, i can see that the main A562 is closed between the 8 towers round baout nad Marsh Lane as shown.

That might me a trip out on the bike with the drone to either South Lane or Mowcroft Lane, depending on any NFZ. Not sure there is anywhere suitable to park up in the car.

Pot luck I suppose if you can get your drone up at boom time!

I was having a drive around yesterday to try and find a spot that might be suitable but parking up seems to be the main issue. I think the road closure is from the junction with Tannery lane and the 8 towers (Gorsy ln) roundabout. Not many stopping places along the A5080 and guess that access will be restricted on Mowcroft ln. The 4 hour window isn’t very helpful either so could be a long wait particularly if freezing cold or rain.

FRZ is up…

Spike Island and Wigg Island are clear, as is up to and a good distance over the Mersey Gateway bridge… So a long distance view using the x3 77mm lens on the AIR3 is a distinct possibility, all depends on the weather and how many folks are also around to watch and flying with drones…

Someone is flying up close :grinning: remember its just a warning :+1:

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Possibly just a hazard warning rather than an actual flight restriction? I can’t see any Restriction of Flying Regulations in place, and those normally exist for full restrictions.