Wind Turbine Blades - Hull

Didn’t even know these were there until I took off, I was on the front not far from the deep, was heading towards the P&O port, there was a very tall fence/wall, once over that saw these!


Cool picture, I like it

Really cool

There’s a blade spray painting facility near me I flew over last week. They do make a good picture…


That is probably Fawley, the old site of the power station, now being used to spray paint the blades arriving from the Isle of Wight.

Not probably, it is indeed the site of the former power station at Fawley. :smiley:

The blades are shipped over from Cowes but as construction continues on the new marina, this will eventually come to an end with this facility.

If you’d been keeping up, @uav_hampshire already posted pics of them …



great abstract, works well in mono.