Thanks @milkmanchris I’ve actually read that but was looking for personal opinion from members here as I don’t really Know who wrote that piece and could simply be another bit of web misinformation.
Hi all,
I know it’s there in Wizz Air website that they don’t allow to carry drone in any way. But still asking, anybody travelled before with drone with Wizz Air?
I did go to Poland with my drone on WizzAir about three years ago and didn’t have any problems. At security they saw it, asked me about it but went through without any problems. The only thing they recommend is that the charge on the battery should be low and not fully charged.
Not sure if things have changed nowadays.
You will need to obviously register with EASA and display your European ID on the drone, but according to you also need to register each flight in advance. A bit like Portugal.
Yes, I had registered via Finland, also passed the Remote pilot exam. But now I repent buying tickets for Wizz Air. They said in a 1 year old post that they hadn’t acquired license to carry Lithium batteries. So they don’t allow. Not sure what is the rule now.