I got this wind meter given by our Health & Safety at work a while back, thinking I would use it but never have done as do not get to go out and fly each day.
Just wondering if there are any Pro Pilots out there that will make use of it FREE of charge. Its a shame it sitting about doing nothing. If not, never mind just thought I would check.
I don’t want want anything for as say FREE as never used it… Its yours if you want it Dave mate as was waiting for a first come first serve and it was theirs so its yours.
Very kind offer, but I’ve already got one, which I use every single time I’m up on some epic hill somewhere ! You SURE you wanna let it go ? Nothing quite like knowing the actual wind speed if you’re in a country with a lot of it, and moreso if you have a small drone like mine with not much in the way of wind-battling ability… I find UAV Forecast sometimes underestimates these things…
Found a box, got it bubble wrapped and tapped up comes under 1k so lowest delivery is about £3
Pm me your address to send and will print Evri label for box and see if my Brother can take to an Evri drop off… Like say, or low weight it is, shipping will be about £3 my friend.
Did you get my private mail yesterday? For some reason package was sent down to you, but for some reason Evri scanned wrong barcode and it was redirected back to the evri drop off I posted off from.
Got my grother to collect for me and resent to you yesterday. I decided to use Royal Mail nect day tracked so you should have my package… Did you get it okay?
Hi Rich yes recieved it yesturday got confused by emails from evri contacted them but was a waste of time. Thanks very much for your trouble really appreciate it. Have you got your crds yet.