Yeah, if I didn’t already have a spare Nano2 I think I’d of gone down the split cam route myself
Tonight I’ve started the soldering, ive soldered on the battery pigtail and capacitor to the ESC and pre tinned my motor pads.
My soldering isn’t the best but the battery pigtail and capacitor is always a challenge due to the amount of heat you need to solder the thick wires. It’s not the neatest of jobs but will hopefully do the job lol
And the ESC in place on the frame ready for the motor wires to be trimmed to length and soldered to the motor pads.
Pretty damn neat to me! Watch them cap wires don’t short on the cf frame
Yeah I was worried about that, going to need to insulate it some how. Might just stick some electrical tape on the frame under cap wires, they aren’t touching but having the tape there will stop it shorting in the event of a crash.
One day, I’ll learn to solder like that
Hahaha, that’s only my 2nd solder job ever. You’re just flattering me lol
I’ve been soldering since a young teenager. And I bodged this last year. I blame the Aldi soldering iron
ok that’s bad lol
Another thing that is concerning me is how to give the battery lead some string relief so that if the battery ejected in a crash it isn’t going pull the pigtail off the board
I use a cable tie. Nice and tight. You might have to be inventive how you do yours… Cos of the props too
Yeah it’s that tight in the frame that I haven’t got space for a zip tie lol although with it being so small it might not need it
I only put a cable tie on mine cos it pulled off the pad in a crash. Like you say, you might not need it. But when you crash, see what’s failed, and strengthen it. Eventually you’ll have a tank
Hopefully won’t crash it to much
Yes, the carbon usually ends up at negative potential, you ought to put some thin heat shrink on both cap wires, I’ve got some spare if you need some
Good call steve I might even just heat shrink the whole cap and pigtail. I’ve got some chunky heat shrink
It looks good Dean
(Better than Karl’s photo TeHe )
Grumble… Or, put the cap on top
I can’t as it interferes with my 3D printed RX antenna mount.
Just take it off then. Pretty sure you won’t notice anything