2.5inch toothpick build

There are loads of build videos on YouTube already so I figured that I wouldn’t bother I’d just post here with photos as I go. @Steviegeek is doing a YouTube step by step build over on his 7 inch quad build thread. Start to finish


Everything is all retro fitted together now and everything fits perfectly into the frame it’s looking like it’s going to be a really neat and tidy build once its finished.

I’ve installed all 4 motors now as this will be my starting point in soldering. I’ll be soldering the motor wires onto the ESC and adding the battery pigtail and capacitor. (This is for another day) I’ve also checked to make sure that my Flight Controller powers up using USB and connects to betaflight ok so all good there with no issues.

This is where I’ve got upto so far:


I’d expect nothing less from you Dean :smiley:


I like that frame, looking strong, stylish :+1: :+1:
Steve :slightly_smiling_face:


I agree Steve it looks bloody fantasic

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Yeah, I’m really impressed with the build quality of the frame its really nice. And it looks good as well I was originally going to go with an armattan frame but the 2.5inch frame didn’t fit the 20x20 stack that I wanted to use. So I had to re search out a new frame and that’s when I found this one :+1:t2:

This was the original frame I was going to use but like I said didn’t fit the 20x20 flight stack.

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Is the camera tilt adjustable Deano? Or is it a fixed position?

Its adjustable mate, depending on how fast you want to fly determines the angle of the up tilt on the camera the more up tilt the faster you need to fly to see where you’re going because the more you pitch forward the faster you fly but if you didn’t have up tilt on your camera as you pitch forward your FPV view would be at the floor.

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That makes sense cheers mate. Do they make any that adjust automatically? :thinking: I mean basic not powered gimbal. Like on a hinge that tilts with gravity depending on the pitch of the drone? If that makes sense lol

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Dean. Give us a pic with something as reference. Like a 50p coin.
Great photos too.
Did the fc come with a usb cap? That’s handy!

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Not that I know of mate. I think that sort of technology is expected on the upcoming DJI FPV drone. Or so speculation would make us believe.

@notveryprettyboy I’ve packed it away now will take a photo with a 50p for size reference next time I’ve got it out :+1:t2:

And yeah it did come with a USB cap :+1:t2:


@Steviegeek something like this might be useful for your 7". So when you’re in position hold, you can see horizontally.


Here you go Karl


Jesus. That’s gunna be quick on a 3s :boom: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

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Its about the same size as the tinyhawk freestyle but a little taller in profile :+1:t2:

Would you be able to go up in lipo? Will your motors and esc take a 4s?

s’pose 8000kv is a bit fast even for 3s! 8000*12= nearly 100000rpm :open_mouth: :laughing:

For anyone who doesn’t know, the kv of a motor is the rpm per volt. 8000 x 3s is 8000 x 12v. 96000rpm or 1600 revolutions per second. But it will be lower due to the load.
Eg, my motors are 2750 x 4s which is 2750 x 16 = 44000 rpm. But the software reports around 29000rpm


Yes ESC is rated upto 6s although not sure about the motors.

Nice looking frame with plenty of space above the stack. I was looking to pop a Runcam Split Nano in the Tyro79 which has it’s own 20x20 mini-board, but I’m not sure I have the height available in the frame. Unless maybe I print some sort of mount/case for the vtx and put that on top/outside the frame. Hmmm…