A2 CofC courses

Very interested as I live very near the border of Ireland.:+1:


@ziceman Hi Mark, I already have my IAA sticker on my drone along with the UK number. Iā€™ve had it for 2 years and renewed it last September. It was the same number both times. The only problem is itā€™s a non-removeable security sticker so if you change drone and try to pick it off it will disintegrate. They have a test, similar to the DMARES, which I also took and passed, but the site wouldnā€™t let me register. The reason they gave was ā€˜you have to register in your country of residenceā€™. From that Iā€™m assuming that I still need to register for a flyer ID for my drones to fly in Ireland, but that my UK DMARES covers me for the competence aspect. Iā€™ve flown in Carlow, Kilkenny and Donegal before with no issues, but not since the rule changes at the end of December. This link might help IAA drone FAQ

@TheFatController thanks Paul I took a quick scan and looks similar, I will go though it all at weekend. :+1:

I rang the CAA this morning on this exact point, and the theme of the answer was that itā€™s not for the CAA to say we can or canā€™t fly drones during lockdown, albeit itā€™s your issue if the police stop and speak to you and decide youā€™re not there for exercise. Iā€™ll email them shortly and try to get an official response I can copy and paste here.

As a serving copper as well as drone geek (Mavic Air 2), Iā€™ve got more interest than most in not dropping in the brown stuff over this. My personal view, and one Iā€™d take if I was sent to someone else flying a drone would be, if flying it takes place during what is already reasonable exercise, then no issues. Case in point, I walk about 10 minutes to the local lake / nature reserve near me, fly my drone there while I walk round the lake, then walk home again. Valid exercise, no issues. If I drive 1/2 hour to somewhere else, get out, fly drone then get in car and go home again, not OK.


The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers) (England) Regulations 2020 have also been amended.

Whilst outdoor exercise is still allowed, either alone or with one other person, we are now no longer permitted to leave our homes to visit public outdoor places for the purposes of open air recreation. The definition of public outdoor places has also been amended and now no longer includes outdoor sportsgrounds or sports facilities.

*Outdoor sportsgrounds or sports facilities (*which includes model flying club sites and BMFA Buckminster) have also been added to the list of venues that must close.

So, whether youā€™re Old Bill or not, if youā€™re out flying, youā€™re breaking the law!

Forgot to put that these are the official words from the BMFA.

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Please keep this thread on the subject of A2 CofC courses and not the legalities of flying during COVID / lockdown.

Future lockdown-flying posts made in this thread will be deleted without notice or apology.

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Duly noted, my apologies. As and when I get a reply from the CAA, Iā€™ll post it in a new thread.

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Just signed up with UAVHUB and used the 5% discount to get the course for Ā£94
Looking forward to flying my Mavic Air in the A1 subcategory from my garden :smiley:


Just donā€™t be flying over peeps ;o)

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No plans to do that, I want a few of my house before I move then Iā€™m looking forward to exploring the countryside from my new home, especially the church and surrounding fields all within VLOS from my garden.

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I donā€™t think Iā€™ve missed it above BUT UAVHub are currently offering their complete A2 CofC Theory Course - COMPLETELY FREE! Thatā€™s right - TOTALLY FREE! The only thing you donā€™t get are the mock exams, some bonus material, and other ā€˜end of course type stuffā€™.

You pay nothing - you can see if the learning is for you - if it is then you can pay for the mock exams, etc., and the actual exam to qualify. If itā€™s not for you then it costs you nothing but hopefully the info in the course will make you a more knowledgeable pilot.

Iā€™m no way linked to UAVHub, simply a retired cop who intends to get back into drone flying after a couple of years off - and at this current time with the pandemic and lock-down, not being able to fly (even if I had one - roll on June/July), itā€™s perfect for me to get back up to speed with my knowledge at my own leisure, and thoroughly prepare for the exam in due course - FREE!

Iā€™ve just completed the ā€˜mandatoryā€™ intro videos - 5* from me.

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Got the free ā€˜Masterclassā€™ offer for the original Ā£99 so signed up. Taking my time but already 40% through the course. :grinning:

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Unfortunately the Drone Masterclass hardly covers anything that us not covered in the A2 CofC and half an hour on YouTube can teach you the rest. I did the Drone Masterclass this evening in about an hour.

I agree but it was free.


Thats been the Coptrz model for a while, the course is free and you can pay Ā£49 + VAT to do the exam.

Though the downside is that they want 4 hours logged flight time, all from the last 90 days, and at least 2 hours of which since you started the course (which at the moment isnt ideal with lockdown)

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I have just started this course for free and can say it brilliant and good

and hopefully pay to pass test and think it is the cheapest available at moment

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Just donā€™t send them your 13/1 flight data :wink:


They dont actually ask for full flight data, Just a log book, showing time and location. i also sent them the summary screen shot like this, really only showing flight time and TOAL point, no need to give too much infoā€¦



what reason

Where it ditched in a neighbours garden :wink:

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