Hi I went flying with a friend, he has a brand new Air3s. It intermittently surges in level flight in calm wind? He has changed the props, anyone experienced similar issues?
Hi I went flying with a friend, he has a brand new Air3s. It intermittently surges in level flight in calm wind? He has changed the props, anyone experienced similar issues?
Not seen any reports in relation to the Air 3S, but there were a couple of reports, within the last three months-ish, of this happening to one or two Mini models.
I’ll try and find them later.
Maybe I have, the obstacle avoidance is a bit too sensitive to direct sunlight, more so than the Air3. I have to put it in sport when it does it.
Ask your friend to do some tests in sport mode and see if its the same story.
Had this happen a couple of times with my MINI3 Pro, usually due to low signal strength, usually rising higher clears the transmission and normal control is resumed…
Certainly a possibility - but I seem to recall one of the Mini reports said it wasn’t the sun that day.
When you say he has changed the props, what to, genuine or third party props?
Genuine that came with it
He wasn’t that far out as we were going for air to air shots
I’ll get him to change to sports mode.
Is the obstacle avoidance getting triggered.
I have had insect swarms trigger obstacle avoidance in nifty mode making it more skittish both the air 3 / mini 4 do this but in brake mode it seems less sensitive.
Good suggestion, this was a week ago, pretty cold and didn’t notice any insects around.
There seem to be quite a few reports of the OA sensors triggering randomly in mid air on the Air 3S. Sounds like they’ll need to tune the OA cameras and Lidar to work better together. Should improve with firmware. I was all set to get it, but really annoyed they’ve gone for quad Bayer on the 1" sensor.
Found one of the other threads I mentioned.
Have a read and see how similar your friend’s was behaving.
My Air 2S often says rear vision sensor blocked when flying directly away from low sun, but it doesn’t affect the flight path, and goes off if you change the heading slightly.
Maybe something to do with the new swanky lidar sensor, or bright sunlight as well as that can cause problems with the collision avoidance sensors still. Best to turn them off and see if issue still present to troubleshoot further. Might be worth doing an IMU and compass calibration, too.
Yes had this happen on my air 3s a few times one was Cloudy day good signal strength no more than 30m away straight and level flight, so obvious momentary drop in speed, could hear the prop power drop too has I watched it go left to right along my flight line
Did wonder if it was insects as I was at a lake edge but it would have to be incredibly sensitive surely?
Just a thought,
Is there anyway ( don’t know much about the air 3s ) that you can could turn the Lidar off, maybe it’s real sensitive just a pot luck guess.