I think you overthink it too much, seen many print farms using exotic materials who only use the BL filters with no problems, I only use CF filaments occasionally, seriously doubt what you print will cause you any real harm, otherwise I very much doubt they would have got approval to sell the machines
I suppose I and many others are, but then it maybe because of having been in engineering where hazardous chemicals were part of the job. Hence all the designs available
Have you watched the video?
One of the worst filament to print and handle due to it’s releasing Nano carbon particles that you’ll end up breathing.
“They” haven’t stopped car manufactures whose creation are far more polluting on a daily bases…
Anyway anyone can look all this up for themselves at the end of the day, I’m only sharing what I’ve come to learn, which is the point of being on a Forum.
If you’ve done experiments yourself that have datamined there is no harm done, am all ears as one who loves learning…
As I’ve said above, I’m just sharing information for anyone that wants it…
Mine is in the hallway with a high tech smoke and chemical sensor in the roof, and the only time an alarm goes off is when our lass has overdone the chips, there is no way in the world that you and I would be allowed to print at home with CF filaments if they could cause the harms you suggest, I just don’t see it, and don’t forget many thousands of Americans use Bambu Lab printers to do just that daily, where is the massive lawsuit or health warnings, no we are using such minute amounts that it is not going to cause health issues?
If you watch the video, you’ll notice that it’s not me presenting but rather it’s someone who has done the research.
No one is telling you stop printing in your home, it’s for Information only which you can either act upon or not.
As for me who’s printing ASA / ABS I’ll take and use that information irrespective and because of what I’ve leaned I designed my own Filter that works in tandem with the built in carbon filter in the X1C.
Based on what you’re saying it leaves me wondering why they include a carbon filter in the BL X1C?
Happy printing…
Before the X1C there was just the X1 with no carbon filter, then they realised that some would want to print exotic filaments so made the X1C with a carbon filter, which is more than sufficient for day to day printing.
These are not big industrial machines is all I am saying, if they needed so much filterage they would have been targeted at industrial users not home and small enterprise users.
Like you say each to their own at the end of the day, I personally think it is overkill and so long as I lose no more hair or the remainder of my fingers stay where they are, I am more than happy
Happy printing…
This is brilliant! - Can you point me in the direction of the stl file?!
EDIT: (Great - I replied to your post, but it didn’t link it for some reason - it was the one with the cat on the doorway!)
Finally moved into the world of Bambu Kung Fu!
Got myself the P1S with the AMS unit this week. What an epic machine… as many others have commented in this thread already. Speed, precision is all mind blowing compared to my previous machines.
DId the obligatory benchy, then this was the first real thing off the bed…
Few other first day prints (including the spool!)
Seriously impressed thus far. Love the AMS unit, got my head round colour mapping in the slicer tools but still much to learn.
Took delivery of this the other day but yet to test it…
Hearing not as good as the blue ones
Is this a flyable model when finished?