What drone was it attached to?
What drone was it attached to?
i believe was tthe air 2 hahah
My Nazgul took about a week as it was uk warehouse stock
I’ve been looking at this myself. 200kmh out of the box
Can I just say a massive thank you too @notveryprettyboy and @Steviegeek for organising this fantastic event it was an awesome day yesterday I got proper sun burnt lol I look like a lobster this morning so for anybody who cried off because of the weather can I just say you missed out on such a fantastic day.
Got some awesome flying in and met some fantastic people. I seen some awesome drones in action and seen some pretty spectacular crashes as well. And crashing in pretty spectacular ways myself, specifically my mid air mid gate head on collision with @SirGunner just gutted that neither of us was recording at the time doh!
So once again a massive thank you to Karl and Steve for taking weeks out of their lives to plan and organize this event. It was very much appreciated!
Hope to see you all again at the next big meet
I’d also like to extend a massive thanks to @Steviegeek & @notveryprettyboy for putting together an awesome event.
They provided a brilliant location, great entertainment, top notch hospitality and some great company.
I’m also pretty sunburnt too!
Thanks guys !
Apologies for not making the meet after all but I had some complications after a colonoscopy earlier in the week and a three-hour drive was not the best remedy. Great to know that you have all had a really good time - kudos to @Steviegeek and @notveryprettyboy for their organisation.
See you all in the RTF Competitions!
was a shame you didnt have a recording of the drone crash haha that was mad! was nice to meet everyone that went too ( my mini 2 has to go back to dji aswell )
Thank you Karl @notveryprettyboy and Steve @Steviegeek for a great weekend. It was great to meet everyone, regardless of the weather and having to wear a pink tutu.
Thank you to everyone for making the meet what it was.
to @speatuk & @SirGunner for making gates and a bullseye
to @DeanoG60 for providing repair and software help
to @Steviegeek for helping to sort everything out.
to everyone else who are genuine top friendly guys
I’m knackered now so I’ll have a nap
Due to weather forecast decision made to close the site at 9:00ish
Top job on getting this together guys, this thread started out in February 2020
If we could have a show of hands for attendees please, we’ll get some badges issued and a final number on total members in attendance
Oh, and I for one would love to see more photos and videos from the event
i haVE A few pictures and videos will upload them later this evening
Give me ten minutes, I’ll send the list
Hi Rich, 16 in total:
Part 1-2
Karl @notveryprettyboy
Steve @steviegeek
Steve @sirgunner
Steve @speatuk
Steve @stevesb
Steve @steveb
Dean @deanoG60
Part 2-2
Howard @howard78
John @hotrodspike
Rob @Brigadier
Nick @bigdog
Wayne @SparkyFPV
Michael @airlessmean
Jez @earwig
Chris @CSB73
Craig MHC guest
Steve was there in abundance.
Thanks guys who were still onsite this morning after my ‘flying visit’. Didn’t realize that the meet was ending early but really good to meet you guys. @SirGunner - Steve, finally good to meet you mate. Nice to put a face to a name and likewise @Hotrodspike - thanks for getting me back to the M6, John!!! I ll try to make it to the next one a little earlier next time.