Big Club Meet 3-4 July 2021


ridiculous :astonished:

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Thanks to @DeanoG60 and everybody who has posted their thanks.
It was great that despite the bad weather start the day turned out hot and sunny.
Even greater to meet so many of you, put faces to names and have a real chat :+1:

Credit to Karl @notveryprettyboy It was his inspiration in 2020 that kicked it all off and his determination made it happen.

Looking forward to another one in another part of the country, Iā€™m bored with this scenery nowā€¦ So the gauntlet is thrown downā€¦ North, South, East or West :laughing:

Thanks again Steve


I know, thatā€™s what makes it attractive!

The right props and some wind I reckon itā€™s a proper contender.

Crashes could be costly though at that speed

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Sorry to anybody who turned up new today, @CSB73 especially, who drove down from Carlisle.
The weather forecast UAV Forecast was saying 66% chance of rain at 10:00 getting worse for the rest of the day
The reality is that the morning was glorious and rain only just started 1:30pm :cry: :cry:

So again apologies for any wasted trips.


click here Rich.

BiG MEET 2021 - Photography competition


Hi Michael, please post them hereā€¦


The following guys are due a refund of Ā£5 for the Sunday flying fee.
Please DM me your paypal ID and Iā€™ll send you a fiver.
Thank you
Steve :slightly_smiling_face:

Steve @sirgunner
Steve @speatuk
Steve Bancroft
Dean @deanoG60
Howard @howard78
John @hotrodspike
Wayne @SparkyFPV

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I got the Inspire up 3 times while I was there, so I was offiicially flying on Sunday.



Thank You too all for a great weekend and everybody I met! :grinning:

Thanks to @Steviegeek, @notveryprettyboy for organising it all and @DeanoG60 for his skills, knowledge and tools

Thanks for the wonderful prize I won, it is on charge and I will be having a play in a bit :grinning:

It was great to talk and fly drones with you guys, oh and watch the footy and get pissed :beer: :beers:

Cheers everyoneā€¦


The Steve contingentā€¦


I still owe you for the McDonaldā€™s :+1:t2: Iā€™ll sort you out with a couple of quid next time I see you :+1:t2:

I do my best lol was a pleasure to help out where I can :+1:t2:

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Donā€™t worry about it @Steviegeek.
Pop it in the kitty for the next one!

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Socialite badges have been awarded to everyone who attended* :man_dancing:t2:

* to everyone that didnā€™t already have the Socialite badge already

And the Over and Above badge has been awarded to @notveryprettyboy and @Steviegeek for the sheer amount of time, effort and personal expense they put in to organising the biggest meet in club history so far.

Thank you guys :bowing_man:t2:


Thanks @Howard78


No problem at all mate. Great event and one that will be hard to top!

Thank you again


Please give it to the club, thanks for your time, it was a pleasure to meet you Steve.


Very much deserved, well done guys :ok_hand:t2: :+1:t2:


Just got home after a fantastic meet! Massive thanks to @notveryprettyboy and @Steviegeek for all your hardwork and effort putting together the event! Had an absolute blast, great job guys :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:
Also huge thanks to @DeanoG60 for lending me your spare controller after mine died before even getting in the air. Life saver, thanks mate :+1:t2:

Everyone that turned up it was great to meet you all and put faces to names and just watching everyone have a good old fly about enjoying themselves! Look forward to meeting up again soon hopefully and with any luck maybe wear the pink tutu a little less next time :crossed_fingers:t2: :grin:
I have some photos I will go through later and get posted here including a pano with @stevesb wearing the tutu just to prove I wasnā€™t the only one crashing over the weekend :rofl:


Was cool to meet you too Chris :+1:t2: just sorry you didnā€™t get much time to fly today :confused: Hopefully see you at the next one mate and you can get more time in the air and have a go at fpv too :grinning:

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