Only one I can think of is:-

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Awesome thank you
2am last Tuesday ours came back on, so 4 days in total. Fibre is still out though.
No way?
Bloody hell man
/me crosses "move to an isolated farm" off the retirement list
I still would not swap it, you just have to have contingencies in place, we have the wood burner for heat and cooking, I have several power banks (although we are reviewing this with either a ecoflow or genny or both as even the drone batteries got utilised this time thanks to DJI having the option to use them as a power bank, well all except the Avata 1). While mobile signal is sketchy, we do just have 4g with the mobile in the correct upstairs window and we have even been gaming and watching movies etc. Balance that off with so much open countryside, small community spirit and forgetting it all by walking the dogs on the deserted beaches, I’d not go back to small town or city life.
Similar - we got the power back at about 10pm Tuesday. Openreach updated us this morning to say our fibre will be down until at least Wednesday next week. My phone’s hotspot is working overtime.
Yep. A well stocked woodpile, lots of tinned food in the garage and a cupboard full of batteries and candles. The Ecoflow was great, and recharging it from the car worked well enough in a pinch.
The mad thing is, I’m not even all that rural. Compared to where I grew up, this is positively urban. There’s a McDonalds ten miles away!
I’ve just checked our nearest McDonalds, 42 miles as the crow fly’s In Bangor NI
… or 49 miles In Ayr.
It’s still 115 miles from my parent’s house to the nearest Big Mac.
Don’t want to count my chickens… but there’s an Openreach van on the driveway!
Good luck
How long’s it been now??
We got reconnected on Friday night, turns out the original Openreach team connected the fibres up incorrectly and a second team had to work through their mistakes to reconnect, having said that our ISP states there is still an issue on the connection so we have Openreach coming tomorrow morning.
Fingers crossed for you Joe
Oh man, hope they get it sorted on the third attempt. When we were still on the copper line we had an ongoing fault whenever it rained. Took about a half-dozen visits before one of the engineers spotted that his predecessor had lost the lid off the junction box at the top of one of the poles so had just wrapped the whole thing in a bag-for-life to try and keep the water out.