Like you do…
Let’s see the store replace that one when it wears out.
S’up there mate.
Bloody wind! Looks like it’s set in for next couple of weeks here, offshore too so no way I’ll be risking flying. Only reasonably “calm” day still 11-14 knots is Saturday, don’t like flying at weekends as too busy.
Nearly lost the Mini 2 today thanks to the wind
Videoing a demolition site in Blackpool when a gust caught it, pushing it backwards even against full forward stick in Sport mode !
Braver than me, not flown for over a week due to weather (wind mainly), averaging out today at 16 knots gusting 18-20. I suppose at least it’s not offshore now.
Not been out this year flying at all apart from taking the new neo up in the air above the house and back down to see it flew.
You could fly it indoors, just turn on the lights it’s afraid of the dark (panics).
I totally agree,I live on the Co Down coast and it was like the end of days lol.
It’s now the 21st Feb and it’s at it again ffs
According to Ventusky, Cardiff should see a brief respite next Thurs/Fri/Sat, then normal shrieking gale service will be resumed! I’ve not flown for over 2 weeks now, and getting a bit fed up. Should (!) have funds to get the Mini 2 repaird next Wednesday, which will take me up a wind level and increase flying days, so long as some unexpected bill doesn’t turn up in which case it’ll get delayed further.
I don’t exactly help myself by being an impoverised pensioner with a fixed (and low) income who chooses hobbies like drones and railway modelling…
Here’s a videogame for the railway model fans if you want to save some money
Weather looking okay for today ( it’s now gone past midnight ) so I’m going out to fly & I hope I’ve not charged for sod all,
Going to bed so goodnight !
Good luck
We have a wind warning in Somerset with a fair bit of rain.
Hopefully better where you are.
and? LOL
I’d see if I could get a 5mm (yes 5mm) drone and fly that around my homemade scene.
great job you have done!
Forgot about Saturday
The wind is for tomorrow.