Breaking the speed limit - How fast is your drone? Find out on our leaderboard!

brought the PNP Kit from hobbyRC and I ripped the DJI Air unit out my Nazgul that I smashed up at willington power station diving the towers (unsuccessfully I might add lol) So just needed to add a flight contoller :+1:t2: :grin: Been slowly building it since the big meet :rofl: It’s pretty much ready for its maiden :grin:

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We’re going way off topic here, so last question before moving these posts to a new thread :blush:

This one, @DeanoG60 ?

Thr pro I think that one

Mines the classic. though I have non standard prop, esc and motors… only cos I kept blowing em!

Does it come with a free @stevesb for launches?

When the glue dries, must sort out auto launch! @notveryprettyboy 's come in handy too when they available… @Steviegeek 's can sometimes be useful :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Yes mine is the AR Wing Pro that @GunjaFPV linked too :+1:t2:

I’ve got auto launch setup already, and if you enabled return to home before launching it then once auto launch has finished it will just turn round and fly back and circle above your head until you’re ready to take control or at least that’s the theory :rofl: we’ll see on the maiden flight how well that goes :rofl:

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Cheeky sod :grinning:

Whilst creating a utility to read OSD files and extract information I noticed this on my final frame…


Hadn’t looked at the wing data from Sunday! I was going for it, as knew I had been over 100mph once or twice. With the 30-40mph gusts a new battery went for it…

So claiming the “Custom Wing” record at 193kph/119.925mph…

AR900 Wing, with 4S, and 7x4 prop with a 1500 brother hobby motor (thanks @notveryprettyboy), and thanks for the inspiration @Steviegeek

Two speed records on one day… there a Badge for that @PingSpike @SparkyFPV ? :smiley:

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Don’t want to piss on your bonfire, but…

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Nah all good to ge beaten by you and already on way to me are some bits to make that kph equal mph. New frame esc motor etc… I still claim 2 records on a day. Can only beat what’s published at the time


what specs does the atomrc mobula run?

how do you find it to fly (for a novice), seems cost effective (cheap!) and smaller than the arwing pro / std

Go 6s mate

Ain’t stopping at 6…

Its fairly tricky to fly. Not very stable. But you run what you like on it. 5 inch prop, 7 inch etc. Quite tough in a crash. A similar sized wing which is way easier to fly is the z84

that’s another option @robertspark . I’d recommend space in the body, esp. when new!

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Also not wanting to piss on your parade but……

No indication of sat count at time of achieving that high speed.
Without at least 8 sats, you can’t rely on an accurate horizontal speed.
Do you have video of that part of the flight with it’s speed and sats on the OSD?

Now you coming to piss on my parade too! Charming :stuck_out_tongue:

pfft where the sats on that!

Fair point, I’ll dig out the video :slightly_smiling_face: