Breaking the speed limit - How fast is your drone? Find out on our leaderboard!

@GunjaFPV you already have the “speed freak” title, how many epaulets do you need… don’t want to look like a 3rd world dictator with honorary awards…

I was looking at the AR wing baby too (need to start somewhere… I can see this turning into needing an intervention this hobby!)

And… I will take a few more, and won’t stop till #1

I’m way past that!

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Bugger… that’s going to be hard to beat :frowning_face: :frowning_face:

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Didn’t it end up in a bush? At full speed?

You’ll beat it. You have the parts

Can I claim a speed badge for the mavic 3 classic please

74.42 mph


Congrats on your new Speed Freak badge @Kirky :clap: … as well as moving straight into 12th place on the leaderboard :+1:


Complete with a more tidy leaderboard - thanks to @clinkadink :clap:

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I must get out and tackle that 54.2mph Mavic Pro record. :wink:

Well done @Kirky

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152mph for Custom Wing, thats impressive! :star_struck: Only need to squeeze another 9mph out of it to take the top spot too!

Thanks Chris @clinkadink for giving me the confidence to have a bash at it,
Taking pictures went out the window after :racing_car::dash:

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So when are you buying your FPV Racing Quad Richard? :wink:

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It is tempting maybe a space to watch :smiley::dash::dash:

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Impressive as I didn’t think it was that windy. Well done. Was it down the hill? :rofl:

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Hi Ian
It was at the top of beacon hill out Newbury kinda way, just went up 120m high, then pedal to the metal :rofl:

Couldn’t resist … 67.91 mph with the new DJI Air 3.

Airdata don’t support the Air 3 officially yet. Although the flights do sync … sort of :neutral_face:

This was with Atti mode enabled. Despite that, the drone still seemed capped at 67.91 mph. I tried 3 flights, each had the same max speed. Need to do some more research.

Oh, a couple of other things to note …

  1. I had no map or flight path, it was completely blank. So after heading out 2 km into the wind, I turned around and had to guess where home was [fixed after hotspotting to my phone and a RC reboot]
  2. I lost connection to the drone for 19.6 seconds [due to point 1, I was landing in the wrong field, with a massive forest in between me and the drone]

Wow - cojones !
And I brink myself at 70 meters height!

Well done @clinkadink ! Another record… And you brought her home… Seems this new O4, and controller not the best if it all cut out? known issue, or something wrong your end?

I’d like to reclaim my DJI FPV speed record please. Stock props (unlike @Howard78 , not that’m bitter at all about being beaten by an upgraded quad!) I actually flew both the Master Airscrew, and the originals today… The OGs got the faster speed, and tbh the MAS ones “felt” slower… Not a fan… Anyways…

Thanks :wink: