Just a question that’s come to mind. Are GADC looking to get recognised by the CAA and able to get article 16 authorisation for us?
I figure as CAA recommend dronescene there must be some ties with them anyway.
Hi Mercedes,
We’ve been working closely with Tom Guest, RPAS Technical Inspector at CAA, quite a bit over the last couple of months.
After some gentle persuasion, CAA have agreed to accept an application for Article 16 authorisation from our flying association - if we wish to pursue it.
In our last meeting with them we also discussed the possibility of 10m separation distances for drones under 2kg, which they seemed quite open to, along with GADC also managing the renewals of CAA Operator and Flyer IDs.
Just for fun we also discussed the authorisation covering our members for the ability to drop items from a drone in the air. Drugs to prisons is obviously a no-go but they were happy for us to drop items of up to 500g from a drone in a controlled environment (eg, The Big Meet where everyone is an involved party, and the target-practice jolly’s that we’ve had in the past)
We’d also be allowed to conduct and host our own FPV drone racing events in a similarly controlled fashion.
As you can probably imagine, there’s a lot of policy and a lot of paperwork involved, most of which we’ve got wrapped up already.
We just need our members to convince us that the authorisation will be of benefit to them, and we’ll pull the trigger on it
I for one would support GADC.
I am presently a paid member to FPVUK who provide insurance and A16… no need for fpvuk if gadc provide similar for me at least.
I fly an MP3 + avata and need to contain my hobby to just those and for personal purposes.
I was also considering joining up to fpvuk for article 16. But again if GADC get this approved I would prefer it all to be under here.
So I 100% support it.
It’s a yes please from me. It would add to what I can do with my A2 CofC.
Yes for me too… Dont need it at present, but with another drone on the horizon and doing my A2 CofC it would be useful…
If you do this, please try and get them to recognise the difference between ‘automatic’ and ‘autonomous’ flights. The former would be e.g. a waypoint mission where the UAV is blindly following instructions, and the pilot can monitor the flight and stop it and take control at the flick of a switch. The latter is where the UAV is deciding itself where and how to fly e.g. AI controlled.
Having ‘automatic’ flights allowed under Article 16 would be very beneficial.
I have FPVUK and will continue to do so for A16. Yes I have risk assessments for a few places that are recreational.
More than happy to switch to GADC (although had no issues with FPVUK and they seem a great company) bit for the A16 if have switched. Not long left on FPVuk btw…
It’s great to hear that conversations around a16 have been ongoing.
However I guess the process and paperwork involved come at a cost.
Is that likely to be a cost that is passed on.
I don’t use A16, never have and unlikely I will.
Just curious about if it’s really worthwhile.
I think we need a poll, I’m sure it’s one of them things nobody uses (or fully understands if they do)
The initial cost is quite high, but the Club would absorb that, as we have with so many other costs and fees in the past.
The annual renewals are low enough for the cost to not be passed on to our members.
I’d agree. For me it’s a nice to have. I may use it and would be interested to understand how and when others have used it (some of us may not realise we should be using it)
Either way it’s not free and could mean other things get less funding that are equally or more important.
It’s great to have a team that run this club who are striving to ensure every part of our community is included and catered for.
I will definitely be in for this plus the insured membership when I win the Air 3 next week Sunday
Plus one here…
I dont use A16 either but I do use my drone in the EU, and would therefore find liability cover abroad more beneficial TBH.
A post was merged into an existing topic: An “Insured Member” tier is now available, providing £5,000,000 Public Liability Insurance cover
I’d be happy to switch to GADC, especially if a membership card will be available (at additional cost) and it is confirmed that fixed wing models are also covered.
I find the card useful to carry as proof of insurance when flying and happily paid extra for the FPVUK one…
Fixed wing and self-builds are indeed covered.
Give us a week or two… Not naming any names, but a certain member of the team is still sitting on a beach sipping pina colada
Raki or Metaxa, in that part of the world.
Mmmm, Metaxa Hic!