Co-ordinate and w3w link tests required (please)

Hi everyone,

As previously reported there is a bug on Drone Scene at the moment when clicking on the co-ordinates displayed on a location.

And depending on which device you use there is also mixed behaviour when clicking on the what3words link:

I have sunk a ridiculous amount of time in to investigating this - for something that people rarely click on :blush: :man_facepalming:t2:

Anyway :slight_smile:

I’m calling on @group-ios and @group-android members please to test something for me:

When viewing that page you’ll get different links presented to you (eg. “Link 5”, “Link B”, etc) and you’ll get different results, depending on which device and browser combo you’re using.

This is largely irrelevant :slight_smile:

I am able to detect what browser and OS you’re using but what I can’t detect is the apps that you may, or may not, have installed on your phone.

Therefore all I can offer here is a best-fit compromise for everyone.

Soooooo… What do I need from you?

Well, the expected behaviour should be:

  1. Clicking the suggested co-ordinates link should open a mapping application and show you Centre Court at Wimbledon
    — and on the off chance you have NO mapping apps installed it should open the Google Maps web page


  1. Clicking the suggested what3words link should open either the w3w app (if you are iOS) or the w3w web page if you are Android
    — and if you have nothing installed it should open the what3words web page

What you should never get is an error - when clicking on either link.

Please let me know if you don’t get the expected behaviour for either 1 or 2 ? :thinking:

(and if not, can you let me know which Link 1, 2, A, B, etc combo it offered you?)

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First link works as expected it gave me a list of the mapping apps I have installed I picked one and it opened up the app I chose and took me to Wimbledon centre court.

The 2nd link just opened the web page for what3words.

Although interestingly I do have the what3words app installed but it just opened a new tab on my web browser. (Samsung internet)

Im using a Samsung S21 Ultra (fully updated to latest android)

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Yeah that’s a proper weird one. And something I have no control over, it’s an OS-integration thing.

Clicking a w3w link on iOS opens the w3w app. If the app is not installed it opens the w3w web page.

Clicking a w3w link on Android opens the w3w web page. Regardless of you having the app installed or not :man_shrugging:t2: :man_facepalming:t2:

I think this has something to do with w3w not being a navigation app on Android and only being a basic mapping app? :thinking:

Bottom line though, you got the expected behaviour listed above for 1 and 2 though? And no errors on either link?

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This is what happened to me

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Click on a link dude?

After further investigation it seems the what3words app isn’t actually working any more on my device. So that could be why it just opened up a web page.

Are you Android, Deano? If so the expected behaviour of Android is to open the web page, regardless of the app being installed or not :man_facepalming:t2:

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First opens apple maps to Wimbledon centre court

2nd opened w2w app on my iPhone to Wimbledon centre court

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Yes both links worked as expected with no errors :ok_hand:t2:

You should have faith?

Give yourself a Pat on the back my good man.



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Sorry, missed that bit :man_facepalming:t2:

Thanks for testing :slight_smile:

Any time buddy. Always happy to help :grin:


Oh, and anyone using a regular computer, regardless of windows/mac/linux, the expected behaviour is:

  1. Clicking the suggested co-ordinates link should open the google maps web page and drop a pin on Wimbledon Centre Court


  1. Clicking the suggested what3words link should open the what3words web page and highlight Wimbledon Centre Court

Im on Android using Samsung Note 20 Ultra and the first link opens GoogleMaps to Wimbledon Centre Court and the second link opens up W3W webpage to Wimbledon Centre Court :+1:t2:

Using Android 10 on a Samsung S9, there were no errors. All was well.

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Strange that it thinks I have Safari? Which i don’t.
Even when using Firefox, I get the same. ie. “Firefox detected:No”

Brings up list of apps just fine on Android …

Selecting Google Maps takes me to Wimbledon area …

… but no actual location pin, so clicking “directions” it doesn’t actually know where I’m wanting to go to, exactly.

(Win 10 takes me to Google Maps, with a location pin, and clicking Directions opens up the window asking where from - since I’ve blocked locations on the browser. So all is fine and dandy. :+1:)

Selecting OSMAnd+ …

Uber works … but it’s rather pricey! :rofl:

So, for me, it’s just Google Maps on Android that isn’t playing ball.

Now, that’s weird! :man_shrugging:

iOS 15.3.1 iPhone 12 Pro.
Safari default browser.

First link opened apple maps and give me directions.

Second link opened w3w web page in safari. (No w3w app installed and never installed it)

Im on android galaxy s21 ultra - both links work perfect, the 1st one asked how i wanted to view it (i chose maps) the 2nd took je to w3w page with the option to view in the app

Found out I was using Firefox, both showed the Centre Court.

Dell i7 running Win 11