Contact details in the event of lost drone

Just recently added my full details to my drone, I used to have my number on dymo tape across the front between the sensors but it looked horrid. I found a person on eBay and made 4x of these up for me I think they look much better but now I think once we have to register this may have to include a CAA number like they do in America. What do you guys do or use for contact information in the event of a lost drone?


Great point / Idea.

Right now I dont have any markings on my drone at all. Definitely needs remedying :+1:

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@lewiswaite23 I’ve edited your post to remove all your personal details mate - probably not wise sharing that level of information on a public forum :+1:t2:


On my Mavic I have some of these: I've tagged my bird!

On my Inspire I’ve printed “Reward if found - 07xxx” on a dymo label and stuck it to the airframe under the battery.

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I have my name and mobile number on dynamo tape stuck in the battery housing.

Afraid I don’t have much faith in my fellow man so the details aren’t for them - I assume that if it flies off and somebody finds it in a field the chances are they’ll leave it right where it fell. If they do pick it up it’ll either be to bin it or try and sell it. Maybe 5% might try and return it… maybe.

The contact details were more for the authorities. I figure that if I have a fly away and, heaven forbid, there ends up being some kind of incident, if they don’t have to jump through any hoops to figure out whose drone it is that sets me off on the right footing as I then show I’ve followed all the right procedures.

As you say, once we’ve had to register them the Operator ID needs to be displayed. Their website doesn’t say whether that’s externally or if inside the battery housing will also be acceptable.

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Oh, I like them. Once registration is sorted I might have to splash out on some myself :slight_smile:

I have a Brother P Touch E550W Professional label printer, so I more or less can print whatever I want on my drones.
they are all marked with a Mobile Number and “Generous Reward Offered”.


Wot ! you offer as much as a fiver if found. Talk about having loads of dosh…:wink::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Oh!, go on, they were at £4.99, you’ve pushed me to the fiver now !, and I’ve got to re-print them now Tony !.

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Chris ’ mate ’ i was being on the generous side…:wink::rofl:

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I’d slip them the postage as well !, what more do you want !.

Good point totally forgot about that thanks @PingSpike

They look really good quite fancy some like that

I know what you mean I wouldn’t hold much hope that it would be returned unless it was found by another like minded person, chances are it would be found and sold for a quick buck :laughing:

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Dynamo tape on the side of my MP just under where the battery sits. Only email address on mine.

Drones Direct would love that idea :rofl:


So would the next owner of a Drones Direct “new” drone. :wink:


Yeah that’s what I meant, save anyone having to try and trace the previous owner(s) :blush:

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Cuts out the middle-man! :+1:

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Mobile number in battery housing at the moment. Waiting to see what will legally be required after registration.