Could someone 3D print something for me please?


Do the batteries actually latch in place too?

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Yes mate.

It can be altered to hold any amount of batteries.
Just a case of cutting and pasting now I’ve created the .stl file.

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Sorry @speatuk of course, I’ve just seen the notches in photo # 3 :blush:

Nicely done mate :+1:t2:

Is anyone willing to take on a 3d printing job?



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yep same as Steve, Ditto

I think that should have the files and the size. Afraid I have no idea what the most appropriate material would be. I don’t really care about colour but if there’s a choice would be happy to hear.


Actually I have been looking at one of these. I will print one out (just to see what it looks like) and we can take it from there. What colour would you be looking at?
Sure we can sort something maybe just postage.

(To be honest, with you, I managed to bag a bulk load of filament in the boxing day sales and as I’m shielding I am getting a bit bored so it will give me something to do)


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I’m more than happy to pay you a fair rate for your time/materials. What colours do you have?

Just bumping to say thanks to @speatuk for being a gent and shipping this out to me. He did a great job! :slight_smile:


Anybody printing 3 D mounts for strobon Cree for MP2 ?



Something like this Mark?

These don’t fit the M2 I’ve tried

Many thanks @SeaHunter but as advised does not fit the MP2
I have found some on EBay for the MP2 and Mini at £12 a pair so can use on both
Thanks and they look really good ones what a shame
Will share once I get the and review

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This guy will make them to fit further up arms if required check him out :+1:

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Could someone 3D print something for me please?

I need 2x in pink and 4x in black if possible, I’m guessing someone will have pink filament :blush:

Naturally willing to cover time, materials, postage, etc :beers:

@speatuk is your man


Four of these:

I’d do it @PingSpike but sitting looking longingly out of the window for my new printer to arrive. If you haven’t had them printed, I can maiden the printer with air tags in PLA or ABS…:slightly_smiling_face: