DJI Drones to be banned in the USA - Countering CCP Drones Act (HR 2864)

No, of course not.


Nah, instead they’ll be uploaded directly to the Chinese Secret Service department :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I wonder how that will impact Care Refresh cover for ‘fly away’ claims?

Here it won’t

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Perhaps they’ll get my takeaway order right then :joy:


DJI are genuinely worried that this ban might actually happen.

If it does go ahead, all existing DJI drones in USA won’t be able to fly :grimacing:


Because they’ll be grounded.

Attached to the NDAA is the Countering CCP Drone Act, which would basically ground all DJI drones, future and current.

From DJI ban moves forward for vote by the House tomorrow

Who said?

Go up one :point_up:t2:

However, tomorrow is not the day all drones are grounded; there is still some time yet.

It depends how far they take the ban :person_shrugging:t2:

FCC could prevent any new authorisations being granted which would mean no new DJI drone models would get approved, or they could withdraw their existing FCC authorisations which would result in all current DJI drones being grounded.

From what I read today is about newly registered drones

But they may put in place to ban all but that won’t happen tomorrow

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Do you know if today’s events are being live streamed anywhere?

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Are you sure? :thinking:

Nothing showing up in the transcript, unless I’m searching for the wrong terms.

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