From what I can gather, all hobby drone production everywhere is inferior to DJI’s, the only question being how grossly so. This is counter-intuitive, and kudos to the Chinese who have developed these drones (they also produce some absolute carp). One might have expected other nations to produce good quality product, Japan in particular being known for electronic expertise, and presumably more acceptable to the Americans. There does seem to be a bit of a ‘reds under the beds’ feel to this bill which looks like a knee-jerk political reaction. but I am not sure that it is a result of lobbying from the US drone industry. Apparently DJI has 58% of the US hobby market, despite being relatively pricey, and I’d bet that the Chinese share when you include the cheapo carp products from the 'zon or Temu is more like 80%
As I say, I’m a newbie at the bottom of a learning curve, only a few weeks since I decided I needed to get out more in my dotage and a drone would be a fun way to go about it, but I do not know of any US producers apart from a company in Texas selling rebranded DJI drones, and in fact only one UK one, Dronetech. The Chinese have 70% of the world market for all civilian drones.
I would assume, but don’t really know because of the nature ot that particular beast, that military drone production is less Sino-based as a global whole, and that the US, UK, and others make their own; there would be a serious security question over buying in from China. The Ukraine is sourcing from countries that wouldn’t have been the first that came to my mind, such as Turkey and Iran, but TTBOMK neither of those has expertise that has translated to their domestic or hobby markets.
The question of whether the DJI flight recording ability compromises US securtiy or privacy laws is thorny, and revolves around whether or not it has a ‘phone home’ capacity. Have the CIA or Homeland Security taken one apart and looked at it, and did they understand it? I can see why the Americans would be suspicious of it, the Chinese are tricksy little beggars… but doesn’t DJI software prevent flying over restricted zones anyway, and wouldn’t that nullify any security objections?
If I buy a drone, here or in the US or anywhere else for that matter, it is very difficult to buy any drone that is not a Chinese one. Probably fair to say that none of my local retail outlets (superstores, electronics stores, hobby shops, &c) have anything eles.