Yes mate. 12 pro Max
Are you using the on screen controls or the actual controller for the sim? I tried using the onscreen controls and it was horrific
Controller and viewing through the goggles
Yes it’s really hard in normal with just the phone
Getting really tempted by the FPV and I’m attracted by the Heliguy version of Care Refresh. I’m not convinced by DJIs offering, looks expensive and having to post it abroad if/when I crash the thing doesn’t appeal. Anyone any experience of Heliguy’s offering?
When returning to heliguy they then forward it on to DJI making the returns process longer as they are just the middle guy.
this is based on a warranty return not a refresh return
I’m guessing it would be the same.
Actually you are not quite right.
I have looked into this and spoken with them.
This is there own refresh. Not backed by DJI.
They are a registered DJI repair centre and they examine/repair/replace at the discretion.
£159 all in no excess. But, 1 caveat.
Only one replacement. Then the “refresh” is cancelled
Worth every penny if you ask me.
Because you get a no quibble replacement/repair no matter why is wrong with it for £159
Forgot to say.
They are also uk based and all postage in with the replacement to them and back to you. You are covered world wide. But the replacement is only sent to a uk address
Good to know, maybe just there warranty returns then.
I know when I had gimbal issues on my M2P I think it was @milkmanchris who suggested I just go back to the place of purchase to which I contacted and they told me that they will just forward it on to DJI Netherlands. I told them that I could do this and cut the middle guy out.
The only other caveat is it must be purchased from them also. I “think” you have either 5 or 10 days after purchasing to buy this from them.
See here
Heliguy Repair Refresh
After watching a number of reviews I was nearly converted.
My reasons.
I have few pleasures in life. I’m not grumbling it’s just one of those things that come with having limited mobility. So flying is my passion and equally my escape from my physical limitations. I didn’t go the Phantom3 route but stayed with the Phantom2 as I can still switch to manual flight. I didn’t go the Mavic route as you don’t actually fly it. Even under the goggles I felt more like a passenger than a pilot. So I reasoned that this new FPV drone could be my Mavic. A cinematic drone that you actually fly.
Another reason was the inclusion of the goggles. At some point it’s inevitable I’ll be switching to digital FPV and buying this package would put me ahead of the curve, especially when DJI release their updated Air units.
So far everything was making sense to me. But then!!
I consider the overall bundle to be reasonable value for money. I’d say you get more value than a Mavic 2 Pro bundle. But I also see how this quad is turning into the inkjet printer of the drone world. £139 for a 6s proprietary battery with a BMS circuit. £15 for four 5inch plastic props. Those are just the expected consumables with any FPV quad but with an astronomical price differential.
I do crash my regular FPV drones. I’ve chewed up many props, lost the odd battery, destroyed the odd motor and snapped the odd arm. But in nearly all cases I’ve been able to repair it in the field and be back flying in 10 or so minutes. I won’t be able to do this with DJI’s FPV drone. Anything other than a bent prop I will have no alternative but to send it back to DJI. The issue is that other than the props and camera, and possibly the arms at a later date, it’s very doubtful that any of the other bits such as motors, the 4in1ESC, and other electronics will be available to purchase. This also carries a hefty premium, even with the minimal offset if you purchase a refresh package.
I don’t want to hate this product. The initial cost of the bundle is very fair when you compare it to the cost of a well spec’d traditional digital FPV quad with suitable goggles and a controller. It’s the cost of ownership I’m having a problem with at the moment. Much in the same way that I’d like to own a prestige performance car. I don’t have a problem with the cost to get it out of the show room. It’s the annual costs just to keep it on the same road I drive my generic five door diesel family hatchback which would probably equal, or exceed, the on the road price of my car.
But as @speatuk quite aptly surmised, sometimes you just have to say “to hell with all that, I owe it to myself and sod the consequences”. Or he used different words.
For the time being I’ve placed my finances in the hands of a rational thinking adult until the craving subsides, which in my case could be a bloody long time coming.
Blame the monitor
No two ever look the same
I could definitely have some fun with one of these and never crash it. I don’t crash normal quads unless I’m trying something I know might go wrong. This is a big, heavy cruiser for just swooping about in a chilled fashion. It’s not meant for trying to power loop through a two foot gap. Just not convinced I could ever have £1500’s worth of fun with it.
I do agree with this Nidge. I really do. Also the part of “to hell with it”
I’m 53 years old, divorced, “queen lyrics coming up” living on my own…(did you sing that like I did?)
No mortgage no debts.
Living with leukaemia, so when I saw this I thought “to hell with it” why not?
As I previously said. This past year has completely changed my outlook at life and yes it’s not long enough and I don’t know how much time I have left.
So enjoy every minute you can?
I’ve been locked in for a year and hardly had any contact with anyone. Do lots of phone/video calls, lots of friends. Good family.
Anyway enough of that depressing crap.
I respect your words Nidge.
Let’s enjoy what’s left guys.
Now you’re really stirring the pot, Steve. The swingometer has now been nudged into the “Let’s run barefoot through the fields” quadrant.
What’s also not helping is I’ve confessed my perverse YouTube browsing history to my wife and her only comment was “Go for it”. And this woman is supposed to be my voice of reason and restraint.
Like you I’ve been in isolation for the best part of a year, with just my wife and the cat for deep meaningful, philosophical, conversation. And being a narcissist my cat follows Nietzsche’s teachings that “Man, and cats, should concentrate their energies upon themselves and think not of the need of others”. So no unconditional love lost there. But she does make a valid point when it comes to this quad.
Perhaps our cats are related…?
That made me laugh.
Well Nidge. That’s your call. You do have a PM also.
@Nidge I watched the ken heron show and there was Ken Dino and Billy Kyle, Dino from the FPV world and Billy not so they had very difference of opinions, Dino trashes it and all comes down to expense not handle like FPV and like he said you can go for that cinematic shot you crash it your not get a second time but with a FPV drone you maybe crash it but maybe a prop damage but you do get the shot Billy was positive about it, ken heron give it a real trashing and on his first flight damaged the battery as it also acts as the landing legs and coming down with a thump does not help the battery.
I really do love to have one but on this occasion I have to be sensible and realise there’s a 99% chance of smashing it maybe not on first flight but would not be long until I be cocky.
I think sticking to my tinyhawk knowing it’s a cheap mistake to fix when I do crash suits me for now.
I’m I envious oh yea and really enjoying this thread and seeing videos as it’s perked up the drone environment with great discussions.
Wow I will try the same with my wifey I would record her reaction but have you ever seen a Irish woman go off on one they have a sewer mouth and be alot of
Yes my 1st wife was Irish. So i know where you are coming from
Oh dear you understand where I’m coming from every other word is F and that’s normal chat.
I recall as I was stationed in West Berlin at the time my daughter was born so did a video update for the families back home to send them, it was fun big VHS recorder camera on your shoulder and I had to dub out the whole tape overlap music to cover her foul mouth.
She was like an till you upset her then she would turn in to the