DJI FPV Race/Freestyle quad

The USB-C on the drone - I presume you can’t charge the battery in the drone via that? I expect it’s only for data transfer.

@speatuk you are 100% right enjoy it and health to you and the drone.

I would but I just never had luck with drones as I’m that dick who just has to push beyond my capabilities, lost 3 crashed one and only the other night I flew mini 2 and while it was hovering I concentrated to long on the monitor to try and focas as could see dam all but it drifting for no dam reason straight into the trees :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


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This is correct for software updates and pulling logs off, pulling footage off.
Charging is done via the charging brick.

The crappy videos I uploaded the other day were miles from everything. If I have learnt anything from my exploits with my drones, it is to say away from stuff while you are sussing things out. That’s why the footage was choppy and all over the place. I wanted to know what it would do, how the controller worked. So I just ragged it about, I would say, even though I was very high up. I was trying to kill it. Best way to suss something out, from my experience, is to keep away from everything and give it the beans. This very quickly gives you knowledge of what and how it does stuff. Flying slower then is easy.

The motion controller is a bit weird. Cool but strange.
It’s a kind of point and shoot/pull the trigger kind of thing. Really cool and sooooo much fun.

Using the normal controller, it is, to a point I would say, harder to fly. Not that it’s hard, it’s the same as any Mavic. The motion controller is just like playing with the old joystick with the suckers on the feet we all stuck to the table while playing computer games lol.

I am sure, in fact I am positive. Anyone who picks this up for the first time, no experience at all, never flown a thing and uses the motion controller will be able to fly it. No question.

It’s just soo much fun to fly with it. I am absolutely sure with myself, I am no where near ready to just throw caution to the wind and put it in manual mode.

I will and up being sent back to Heliguy. :roll_eyes:

But yea @Nidge it is a fantastic flying experience, when you put it into sorts mode and give it a wave and set it going up and away it sounds like a very angry Hornet that wants to kill you. Lol

A bit of Farher Ted…Mrs. Doyle…Go onnnnnnn, Go onnnn, go on


Woop Woop.!!!


That’s crazy especially given how much of the retail price is for the controller, goggles and battery. Most people don’t consider that when pricing up Care Refresh for something like a Mini 2.

Yep and it only covers the drone with DJI refresh nothing else

What’s to stop people producing aftermarket cheapo replacements? There’s no novel tech here that can’t be cloned?

Yeah I’m sure they will.
Oh what’s the American company called that does props.? Awww crap…BRB

That’s it Master Airscrew. (Sorry I just went off site to google it)
I had these for the Solo, quietened it down no end and gave a bit more flight time.

The motion controller is it easy to control low between tight areas and go around yellow trees along the yellow grass.:wink:

Think refresh is a bollocks when you can buy a new one under £700.:roll_eyes:


I’ve had a bit of a sedate play today.
Plenty of green stuff where I was.
It will soon be yellow, as it will be full of oil seed rape.
You know the “bright green fields” you see all over the place in the summer…lol


and there’s an idea :thinking:

I’ve found a way to stop myself buying the thing, just download the DJI FPV simulator and try to fly the thing in manual :grinning: Ok it’s not easy using an iPad to simulate the sticks but I’m buggered if I can control this drone, it’ll be my age probably!
It occurs to me that if I get this thing and don’t have the balls to use manual mode, it’s not for me. Perhaps the money would be more wisely spent on a Mavic Pro 2 or even an Autel Evo 2


I tried first with the iPad on screen controls, then I connected the goggles and controller, by eckk, what a difference…!
It is soo much easier with the goggles and the controller.

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Mine is the same ‘if you want it get it’


A bit like my old £50 mjx600 drone. The controller had a slider…


I’m just back from my first flights. Pretty fantastic fun IMO. It’s a lot of fun.


Yeah it cool.
Did you like the start up?

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Why? What does it do? :grinning: