No freaking way!! Transformers no wonder it’s got a 20 min battery, it’s lit up like a bloody space craft
Turn them all off and you can fly for an hour.
The helmet! It’s green in this shot
It’s nice once or twice, I reckon I’ll get pretty tired of that noise soon.
Your just playing with my head now.
My extra batteries are only getting here on Tuesday, it’s going to be a pain on a single battery until then. Can’t even charge out in the field right now. I suppose I could get one of those chunky batteries that do mains inversion.
I got an extra one when I bought it, then I figured I needed more so I got 2 more.
I can confirm ABS-B works
Oh that’s good - my goggles didn’t show anything when a helicopter tracked in. Luckily I’d heard it and my observer also had, so I landed right away.
Depends, some helicopters only have ABS-B the same as we do, so they don’t transmit.
If it was a police helicopter, they don’t have them anyway, so no one can track them
LOL! I have photo/video evidence. I’m surprisingly straight-laced haha.
Wags are useful for something eh?
Mine was sat in the car today, on her lead
Not sure how much use you’re observer is going to be after she gets her Covid Jab
Too young for the jab mate
Touyoung? That’s my Chinese model
Got a link? Just been paid
Best I’ve heard today