A centred throttle stick will mean you’re always at 50% throttle. On an FPV quad throttle control is one of the hardest things to master as you need to feather it to keep it hovering.
All way down is 0% throttle centre stick is 50% and all the way up is 100% throttle. Most freestyle quads will hover at around 25 to 30% throttle.
The more throttle you give the faster the props spin the more thrust they will generate. You don’t want it to spring to 50% throttle as that could result in a fly away.
Think of it more as an accelerator. Stick all the way down is motors at idol then raise the stick to spin the motors the more you push the stick up the faster the motors spin.
Didn’t crash.
Confused doesn’t come close to describing how I felt…
The goggles help you along the way; after flicking the switch you have to lower the left stick into the ‘green zone’ (20-40%) in order for it to actually change into Manual Mode. Then all hell breaks loose and after a few seconds you work out which stick is doing what and you regain control. No doubt, being up high is your friend here as a couple of times I went into a swooping dive and at least three times I had to hit that brake button. And nicely, it throws you into Normal mode automatically the moment you hit the brake button.
So, with battery charging, I’m waiting to have another go.
As you’d expect, this was all filmed so you’ll be able to have a laugh probably tomorrow as you see me flounder with Manual Mode for the first time, but at least the beast lives to fly another day…
Nice! I know it seems common sense, but if you are trying a trick, and go upside down etc, drop the throttle to zero. Fpv acro guys are forever pumping the throttle.
To all of you whom have bought the drone, way to go with the extra batteries.
I was so close to pulling the trigger only to find the batteries are on back order with all the UK stockists I checked. So no new drone for me for the time being. So now hoping the urge will pass before batteries are in stock and the palpitations never return.
@ianinlondon wow very brave as I have wee cheap FPV setup and definitely not going to test it until I have the hang of it on the liftoff simulator it took me hours to get it up and going forward without tilting and smashing, it’s fine touches and not over correctness is the key, but I think going up high then into FPV mode makes life easy and having a failsafe brake it a blessing.
Isn’t there an advanced menu for stick configuration where you can set the “EXP” which Stands for exponential? My Mavic Pro and Inspire 2 has it.
I played with the DJI sim when it came out, and within a few seconds I realised it was a waste of my time as the physics was not based on real world algorithms. It might be that the one you’re using now maybe different.
Have you a link to it’s download page?