Oh yeah but you can’t alter it on the simulator. It’s “as is” I’ve been looking at these settings and could really do with a bit of an “idiots guide”
Because come on, let’s face it, I am that idiot lol
What does the max rate control?
From my understanding, and this is very limited
Is this the amount of degrees per second the stick controls at full push?
Meaning if the push the right stick to the full right, this is how many degrees the the drone will roll right per second?
Please forgive me if I am wrong.
I do understand PID and use it in the roll I do to control the opening and closing of electrical mixer valves on commercial boilers. But this is a completely different matter, my understanding is the opening and closing of the said mixer valve with relation to temperature rise.
But at the end of day, PID is PID.
The EXPO I believe the angle of the curve how large the curve is (simplified, a straight line 45’ or a slowly increasing rise with for want of a better word, a loop in it as apposed to a straight line)
Yes, like a dead band and as the stick moves farther the curve begins to become more liner. Soft near the middle and full deflection at the end of the curve…,
The centre sensitivity, I’ll hazard a guess that’s equivalent to “dual rates” cautious experimenting is called for here as the wording is a little DJI.
Leave everything as set and try dropping the 160 to 140 for one channel, say the “Yaw”. Hover and “Observe” the change to determine what rate is best for you.
Coming! It takes around 5-6 hours to edit these 15 minute multi-video stream vids… I’m having some beers and enjoying my Sunday afternoon… You’ll get it tomorrow or Tuesday
Yeah I waited an hour or so after buying the drone and deciding to get the battery packs, and I ended up with them out of stock and having to buy a couple of individual batteries.
@Nidge I ordered the Battery flymore pack from DJI.com; already shipped within 2 days of ordering so should be here within the week with free shipping.
I ordered a spare and a hub straight away as Heliguy didn’t have the flymore kit. After the first flight I ordered 2 batteries within minutes. That’s why I was lucky enough to get mine.