DJI FPV Race/Freestyle quad

Any other android boys can view ?

Ok on my iPhone

No show on my pc. I downloaded it, it says pay 79p for a codec

I can see it on my iPhone.

I can’t see it on my Iwndows PCeither… Is there an issue with using good old plain MP4…? :wink:


And good old plain H.264 !! :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s in captured in HEVC.
So apple only or, how about VLC can you watch it in that.

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I plays on Win10 too … but only in Edge. If you’ve downloaded the H.256 codec for Windows Media Player … that’s why it will play in Edge.
Won’t play for me in Chrome or Brave.

It also plays OK in VLC on the laptop.


See, if one of us mere mortals would have uploaded that, we’d have got a bollocking by now


Very odd, usually the iPhone uploads from the camera roll work, I’d clipped it though so I wonder that makes a difference.

Anyway MP4 version see if that works on your dos machines ;o)


Thats working mate cheers :+1:t2:

Next you’ll want a badge !!

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Hi Guys,
first flight with the new DJI FPV, would have help if i had remembered to turn on the the recoreder for the first 6 mins of the flight but this is what I got, its basically me circling my MP2 and then a bit of a burn arround, have to say im very impressed with how it flys, but wow does it eat the batteries, 8.5 mins I got let me know what you think, didn’t edit at all straight from drone sound and all

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It’s showing as private and not playing. Needs to be “unlisted” or “public”.

It might still be rendering at youtube, mine took ages

Not even showing low res … which it would if still processing.

now that is what I call horizon tilt lol

Chris is the Mini 2 supported in Litchi yet? Apparently Litchi allows you to fly ‘fpv’ in VR goggles with the Mavic drones :+1:t2:

hang boys

I’m too embarrassed by Chris uploading a video directly, without using YouTube or Vimeo, that I can’t even find the words :pensive: