DJI GEO Zone unlock request not working (DJI GEO Zones discontinued đŸ˜±)

Whilst we joke i’m sure some noddy fresh from Argos will be up with their mini 4 overflying a game near you soon!

Get ready for more government restrictions. Switch it back on please DJI!


Bloody hell! This is shite! It means I wasted 2 x DroneHacks for NOTHING!!

I’ll ask them for a refund 


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But - DH (and the likes) must be crapping themselves 

FCC and height worth it ;o)


Not for me. Only really got it to test fly in the garden in the middle of an FRZ.

So who’s that then? :thinking: :rofl:


You if you want the job. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Local Facebook groups

Ken and Karen already submitting applications


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Outsourced to Rwanda

At least you don’t need to sell your DJI drone now :rofl:

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That is just weird. The fact DJI haven’t announced this - at least not anywhere I have found - and the fly safe site still exists, and lets you get all the way through the process of requesting an unlock code, but then doesn’t have any zones for you to select - is just bizarre. Feels like a screw-up.
There was a message in the last update regarding adding functionality in the app for local EASA and UK flights restriction info to be imported to the database, but no mention of GEOZones being dropped.

I know people have complained about the DJI maps being poor and missing restrictions. Maybe they’ve decided it’s too much work to try and keep them up to date, but you’d think they’d have announced shutting down the GEO Zones functionality, rather than finding out through a forum answer

They announced it on their own web site last week:

But yes, fully understood, we missed it there too :man_facepalming:t2:

More here: DJI updates its GEO Zone system and removes Unlock requests and NFZs from its Fly Safe platform

Doesn’t have any zones for you to select in this country, but if you move the map to china there are still geo zones. So the flysafe database is still active and functional for use in other countries hence why you can still go through the motions.

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Just seen IaninLondon’s update video this morning. I had checked a couple of locations yesterday - but all were within Europe, so didn’t see the GEO Zones in other countries outside EASA/UK.
My Google search on GEO zones yesterday didn’t find the ninja-stealthy subtle ‘announcement’ from DJI on this topic that was issued last week.
I still argue that there should be a pop-up or some kind of update in the app people are actually going to use, rather than an announcement on a page that virtually no-one is going to check.

Anyway - at least we now know

From DJI

Hello, there. Sorry for the inconvenience. When civilian drones first emerged on the market, there was a void of applicable laws or regulations. To support the healthy growth of the sector, DJI set restricted zones on its initiative to prevent the improper use of drones. Alongside the development of UAV technology and promulgation of pertinent laws and regulations, we will update our restricted zone policy and map in accordance with local laws and regulations. The regulatory power and responsibility rest with local authorities. While this eliminates the need to submit an unlocking request, users still need to file applications as required by local laws and regulations and ensure flight safety and compliance.
Drone operators are required to consult the local GEO Zone to check if it is safe to fly in the current airspace before each takeoff, and comply with them before and during each flight.
We kindly advise that you visit the following website to view the map of GEO zones in Europe:

There are reports that if you update to the latest Fly Safe Database

App Static Safety Data is
Aircraft Static Safety Data is

After the update was installed successfully, the drone reports Fly Safe Database Error and will not take off


@SparkyFPV Mine did that, I just turned off controller and drone . Turned back on again and all was well.

Some are reporting no matter what they did it wouldn’t clear the error or take off

I’ve just updated mine and its moved on to a new version and takes off :+1:

@SparkyFPV wayne
Do you have to have the later fly app for this would you know, I’m on 1.10.0
Also would you know is it mandatory to do this,
Only reason I’m asking is everything has been working fine & only want, or would rather update if absolutely need to, cheers