DJI (Mavic) Mini 2

I’ve not used any other controller but I love my MA2 controller its so comfortable and easy to use. It should fit in your cargo trouser pocket quite easily. I use the should bag that came with the Fly more combo too. It fits in my boot no problem taking up hardly any space and just goes over my shoulder while walking about. Its comfortable and around the size of a small camera bag. Very convenient


Saving my pennies for the Mavic 3. I hope when i does come out it will still have the folding controller and not the big blocky new style controller that the MA2 and new Mini 2 looks like having. I know a lot of people like it though. What I like about the folding controllers are that being a smaller/compact arrangement it attracts less attention when flying from the Gen Public.

I think the folding controller is now no more, if the smallest in the range (Mini2) has the ‘bigger’ controller then I think thats the future.

Sadly I think you are probably right. :cry:

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Amazing as it would be for the Mini 2 to support RAW, I’m taking this one with a pinch of salt.

I’ve seen other social media posts claiming that it does … but that’s at least in B&W.

I used to hate the new controller. But once I upgraded to the MA2, I would not like to go back.

Firstly, it has a much bigger battery capacity.
Secondly, the form factor provides support for larger phones. With my old MA1, my iPhone 11 Pro Max barely fitted. This new controller does fit better.
Thirdly, it does feel great on the hand. Feels sturdy and has a great great., partly because it holds the throne above it instead of below.

That site calls it a “Mavic”, I don’t trust that screen shot at all :slight_smile:

We’re all about to be locked down again - no point buying before that’s ended.

At least that meas it might be perfect timing for a Christmas Present.

… Christmas 2021.


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A post was merged into an existing topic: UK Coronavirus map - and general COVID-19 discussion

DJI Mini 2 launch event on 5th Nov

Or 5th?

It’s a bit pointier looking than expected.

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Updated, ta :+1:t2:

I know @DTH was so disgusted with his Mavic Mini that he took it back for a refund.

Tempted by this one now Dave? :thinking:

Anyone after a 6 month old MM let me know gonna swap mine I think


Just for shits n giggles…

  • Yup, I’m in, will order on day of launch, TAKE MY MONEY DJI!!!
  • Own a Mini 1, will/also be upgrading to the 2
  • Will reserve judgement until I’ve seen some reviews n stuff
  • No thanks, it’s not for me

0 voters


If I hadn’t already gone all in on the MA2 I would have given it some serious thought but can’t afford to buy another drone just yet lol

I’ve got a Mav Mini and the MA2, between those two I have everything I need, in fact the MA2 is everything I need.
Cool as it is I won’t be buying a Mini 2, it’s been released at the wrong time for the UK market with legislation all over the place.

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